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You retreated under the covers curling into a ball.

You softly sobbed while tightening your grip on the covers that were over you.

The Joker sighed getting up off of the bed. He tossed the pillow you had attacked him with on top of you and you flinched.

He zipped his pants up glancing at the form of you under the covers shaking. He rolled his eyes combing his fingers through his hair. He clenched his jaw angry at himself for forcing himself on you before going to the wall and hitting it causing you to jump every time you heard a loud bang on the wall.

He turned around, opening his mouth as if he were going to say say something. He decided not to convincing himself that he did nothing wrong and went to the door knocking on it. It unlocked and he whipped the door open slamming it shut behind him.

You stayed under the covers afraid to come out. You were like that for a solid hour before peeking out and uncovering your head. You sniffled, wiping your tears away.

You got off the bed still covering your body with the covers and walking around the room collecting your clothes. "Fucking psychopath." You cursed under your breath as you dressed yourself.

You wiped your runny nose with your hand. Ew. You thought. You sighed going to the arched window. "Why did I have to go alone..." You shook your head about to break down crying again.

You looked around for a bathroom but didn't see one. You went over to the door slowly opening it. You saw the men in the animal heads and asked them. "Where's the bathroom?" In the usual raspy-ish voice you got when you have been crying for awhile.

They nodded at each other before one started walking and motioned for you to follow him, which you did.

The two of you eventually made it to a bathroom and he opened the door for you closing it once you were in and you thanked him.

You went to the mirror staring at your face. It was all red and puffy but you still looked pretty. You grabbed a wad of toilet paper blowing your nose before using the toilet.

Once you were done you washed your hands walking out of the bathroom. The man started walking with you behind him.

Nows my time! You turned on your heel running backwards turning every which way down the halls trying to get out of the mans sight which you succeeded.

You ran down a flight of stairs avoiding anyone you saw. You heard an angry voice boom a few minutes later which you knew was the joker. "How the hell do you lose a fucking helpless girl?! Please, do tell!" You heard pleads then a gun shot near where you were and you froze. Shit, move, move, move! Why aren't I moving! You cried desperately in your head.

You heard footsteps coming towards you and you looked in the direction only to see the Joker with his iconic golden gun in hand.

The two of you locked eyes and you turned running. He followed behind you with a malicious grin forming on his face.

"Leave me alone you creep!" You yelled turning a corner only to have it a dead end. "That's not very nice, doll." He said tsking while wagging his finger at you once you turned around.

"Really?! I'm not the nice one?!" You screamed letting your tears flow down your cheeks. "Annnd she cries yet again." He said rubbing his eyes in annoyance. He raised his gun at your head walking towards you slowly til you felt the guns cold metal touch your forehead.

"Ya know, I'm gettin' bored of ya. Real tired, doll" He said through a sigh. "Any last words?" You laughed a silent laugh, one that was clearly faint of heart. "Just do it." You hissed through clenched teeth with a smile.

He backed up shaking his head while chuckling. You closed your eyes before hearing a loud bang circulate the room. You opened your eyes only to find the gun shot out a red flag that had Bang! Written on it.

The joker laughed, somewhat bending over. He quickly stood straight fixing his tailored black coat before looking at you with a small smile.

"Wow, you really wanted to die, didn't ya?" He pretended to shoot you with the gun again while saying, "Bang!" Before looking at the gun while insensitivity laughing. He threw the gun across the room before looking at you. "Why do you wanna die so bad? Do you really hate me that much? It makes me sad doll." He said in a concerning voice that you knew was fake.

"Why do I hate you, I really don't know. Maybe you should guess on this one, daddy" You said sarcastically hatefully glaring at him.

He looked a little taken aback. "You're a sassy one, arentcha." He said laughing. "Butchu aren't smart. Very, very stupid." He whispered. He walked towards you holding your chin up.

"Are you hungry, doll?"
Thank you all for reading my book!
I'm still HELLA hyped about it 😝
Hope you enjoyed this chapter~

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