Unpredictable ✔️

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I walked into the cafeteria, with Amber by my side, I had explained to her what happened with Jeremy and she apologized

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I walked into the cafeteria, with Amber by my side, I had explained to her what happened with Jeremy and she apologized.

"I just want to forget it happened. I have the fight to get ready for, it's next week and I still don't know how to punch," I said setting my food down on the table. Jeremy wasn't in the cafeteria yet, and I think everything went to shit after what happened last night.

Jeremy walked in, a black hoodie, with the hood up, hiding his features. He walked to our table and to my dismay he sat down right across from me, besides Amber. He kissed her cheek.

"Hey, baby." He said, looking at her, then glancing up at me slightly.

I stood, leaving my tray on the table and stormed out of the cafe. They've been dating and neither of them told me! I've told Amber everything! Jeremy has been my best friend longer than Amber, and yes he told me he had a girlfriend, but he did not say it was my best friend! How long have they been dating?

I opened the doors that lead to outside the school. I knew that Matthew and his friends ate lunch out here. I started walking towards them, they were sitting in the grass leaning against trees or just laying down. Matthew was busy glaring at Ron and Chase who were chasing each other around with worms. Little boys. Denny was the one who noticed me.

I walked up to Matthew, plopping down beside him.

"You still training me?" I asked, watching Ron and Chase who stopped and threw the worms at each other. Ron screamed and ran the other direction.

Note: Ron does not like worms.

"Go away," Matthew said, crossing his arms and staring blankly in front of him.

"I need training, please, I can um, well I can't pay but I can like do your homework or something," I said, trying to come up with a reason that he would want to train me.

"Meet me at Rock's Gym tonight at 8," Denny spoke up, making both, Matthew and I, look over at him. He stood, ignoring both of our curious glances.

"Okay!" I called out to him as he walked away.

"Well then I guess I don't need you anymore," I said and stood, walking the opposite direction of Denny. Who was going to watch Ona, I don't feel like talking to Amber or Jeremy. I sighed, I'm going to have to bring her, I can't miss this opportunity, Denny is one of the best fighters, not counting Matthew.

School ended, and I had successfully ignored Amber and Jeremy for the rest of the day. I got home, picked up Ona and went to the store to get her something to eat. I hadn't eaten in a day or two.

"Here, eat this sandwich before we go," I told her and placed the sandwich in front of her.

"Okay," she said and eagerly ate it. She ate way better than I did, she had breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Sometimes she understood that we didn't have much food and would try to give the food I gave her to me, but I declined and made her eat it.

She finished and we began the walk to the gym, she complained about the cold and having to walk the entire way, and I was just hoping she didn't do it in front of Denny or whoever would be there.

I opened the gym door, Ona was on my hip as I awkwardly walked in. All of the boys looked up at me, besides Matthew, he wasn't anywhere to be seen. A part of me was sad he didn't show up.

"Who's that?" Ron's voice erupted into the silence.

"This is Ona, my little sister, look she won't be a bother, I couldn't find a baby sitter." I said and let her stand. She immediately ran away from me and too the counter where there was a bowl of lollipops.

"Ona no." I said sternly, walking toward her.

"No she's fine, here, blues the best flavor." Ron said and handed her one. She smiled and giggled, taking the lollipop.

"Ona, what do you say?"

"Tank, you!" She gleams and sucks on the candy. Why they had candy at a gym, i don't know?

"I can watch your sister while you work with Denny." Chase said and picked her up. She smiled and leant into his chest. She probably thought he was Jeremy.

Or she likes an aggressive street fighter.

"Follow me." Denny said and started walking to the matts. I followed and tied my hair up.

"So, first off, your punching, it's all wrong. You put your thumb inside of your fist, it weakens your punch and can hurt you. So keep your thumb out of your fist, like this," he says and makes a fist, punched toward me, but not touching me.

I did as he did and punched toward him. I was weak, and he noticed.

"Your form is weak, are you right handed or left handed?" He asked.

"Right," I replied, glancing at Ron and Chase who were playing with Ona. I smiled lightly, then returning my attention to Denny.

"Okay, so step with your left foot before you punch," he says and moves beside me, showing me how to do it.

I did as he did, my punch getting a little bit stronger, but I was still weak.

"Here," he said and stood behind me, placing his left hand on my hip, and then placing his right hand over my right hand, making a fist. I sucked in a uneven breath, and focused on my form, instead of his body so closely packed against mine.


I pulled away quicker than I'd ever moved. He raised his eyebrows, smirking at my uncomfortableness.

"I can't focus when you're that close to me." I mumbled and got back into the stance he showed me, but this time I was across from him.

"I'm distracting you?" He asked, genuinely confused. I nodded and punched, not him of course, but in front of me. I could tell my punch was slightly stronger.

He still hadn't moved, and when I looked him over to make sure he was ok, which was a habit because of Ona and making sure she's safe, I saw it.

Denny had an erection.

"Oh my god!" I said rather loudly, turning to Ona and the other boys, walking toward Ona and covering her eyes before she looked Denny.

"Fuckin shit." He mumbled and sprinted to the bathroom.

The boys were laughing like crazy while I on the other hand was scarred.

I didn't do anything but stand there! And then his, you know! Was like huge and ew ah! AH! This would not have happened if Matthew was training me because he hates me. I picked up Ona and our stuff and walked to the door, opening it and going out into the breezy autumn night.

I gave Denny Woods a boner.

I think?

Jeremy and Mae ?


Denny and Mae....

Or someone else ;) ;)

I'd also like to take a moment to thank grace for editing my chapters! She's the Andrew to my Shane :)

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