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Thankfully Amber lived in the same apartment complex as me

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Thankfully Amber lived in the same apartment complex as me. It made it easier on the both of us, I had my best friend down the steps, and she could have a friend above her. I knocked on the door, waiting patiently for the door to open. Amber's father opened the door, frowning when he saw the bruises on my face.

"Mae, what happened! Why are you covered in bruises?" He asked, touching the bruise on my forehead.

"I fell, don't worry sir," I said and walked into his hug. He was the dad I never had. He closed the door and walked to the kitchen, where I could see Ona playing with legos on the table.

"Ona, hey it's about time to go," I say, brushing the hair out of her face.

"No, can we stay?  Amber said we could have chicken tenders and mac and cheese!" She asked, jumping in her seat.

"Ona, no, we don't impose like that." I scolded, but slightly hoping they would let us stay for dinner, I didn't have any food at the apartment.

"No no, it's not imposing honey, please stay for dinner." Mrs. Rose said as she walked in the door with their new puppy Jack. I smiled and stroked the dogs back as it ran to my ankles. Jack jumped up onto Ona's lap and she giggled, relishing in the dog licking her face. Amber then waltzes in, spinning around as the music blared from her phone.

"Look who finally decided to show up!" She exclaims, spinning me around, but I'm awkward and stumbled over my feet, hitting the ground. Amber burst into laughter as I pushed myself off of the ground.

"We'd love to stay for dinner," I said, smiling as Amber leaned over and cackled.

"Great! You and Amber can go and do what girls do, Ona and I will start making the food.  George go and watch some football or something." She said, kicking the clumsy people out. Amber's dad, who was George, was just as clumsy as I. He was a waiter for a week before he was fired because he continued to spill hot soup on the customer's laps. It was a story anyone could laugh at easily.

Amber and I entered her room and she fell onto the bed, turning on her record player.

"Tell. Me. Everything!" She demands excitedly. I giggle and sit on her bed beside her.

"So I got to the gym and Ron was there, looking tasty as ever, then Mr. bad boy tattoos walks out, all brooding and annoyed."

"Like usual," she chimes in.

"And he goes, run on the treadmill, speed TEN, for TWENTY minutes. I literally died." She burst into laughter, clutching her tummy.

"Stop it!" I said and punched her arm lightly. She pretended to be hurt and pouted.

"What else, tell me more! I want more, more, more!" I laughed at her response and finished my story.

"So then he gave me a two-second break and then had me do it again, but with an incline. I died in that gym, I'm a ghost." I said back, running around her room with a sheet over my head. Sometimes I forget how old I am, how I'm raising a little girl. But I am raising a little girl, and I'm seventeen not seven.

The door opened and I stopped, throwing the sheet at Amber who was filming on her camera while shaking with laughter.

"Dinner is ready." Her father said, rubbing his eyes, laughing at me. I laughed as my face flushed and grabbed Amber, pulling her to the kitchen.

We ate and oh my god the food was amazing. We played some board games and when I noticed that Ona was getting sleepy I said bye to everyone and walked us to our apartment.

I put Ona to bed and then found my way to the sofa, turning on the TV and plugged my old phone in. I thankfully had won this phone in a survey, and the Rose's paid for it monthly. I loved them for it. I loved them for a lot of things.

I flipped to the channel that had the illegal fights on and watched as Matthew walked into the "ring".  It wasn't really a ring, it was just a squared in rope section. The channel was private and you had to pay to get in, of course, they covered it up by not showing the locations, but if you've ever fought you'd know where they were.

'Here we have the #1 fighter, Matthew Halle. He is brutally about to beat up his worst enemy.' I kept my eyes glued to the TV. Then the worst thing I had ever seen was who popped up on the screen.

'Today, getting pummelled is Jeremy Davis.'

A gasp escaped my mouth.

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