Feelings ✔️

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The sand beneath my bare feet felt like heaven

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The sand beneath my bare feet felt like heaven. I'd never been to the beach, but I'd heard about it, and in California, it was very big. I sighed and watched as Chase picked up Lily and threw her into the water off the dock. She resurfaced and splashed him, then he jumped in with her. Everyone besides Matthew, Denny, and I were out in the ocean talking and having fun. I was laying in the sand, waiting for Jeremy to text back. The shorts I was wearing were short enough to let sand touch almost all of my legs. The sun was setting and everything seemed relaxed. And then Cora came out of the ocean and suggested truth or dare to get to know everyone. I was nervous because I knew that Matthew didn't like me, he was always grumpy and would probably make it boring. And everyone could notice the tension between Denny and I.

"Okay, so we'll spin the bottle, whoever it lands on does a dare or answers a truth, you get three chickens. Chickens are basically where you don't have to do a dare or answer a truth, but there is a punishment if you use all your chickens. Punishment is decided at the end. Let the games begin." I sighed and sat back, ready for whatever the hell was about to happen.

Denny spun the bottle and it landed on Chase.

"Truth or dare?" Denny asks.

"Dare," he says confidently. Chase is currently holding Lily's hand and I find it adorable.

"Okay, pick one person, besides Lily, and let them text anything they want to a person in your contacts." Chase's smile dropped at Denny's words. Well chosen dare Denny.

"Um, Mae, you can," he says and hands me his phone. Oh god.

Cora looks over my shoulder and points to his boss's contact. I snicker and click his name.

'I jerk off to pictures on your Instagram every night while screaming daddy. ILY daddy Hopp xoxo'

I click send and toss him his phone, dying of laughter. Matthew rolls his eyes as Chase starts freaking out.

"YOU TEXTED MY BOSS SAYING I JERK OFF TO PICTURES OF YOU EVERY NIGHT WHILE SCREAMING DADDY, I LOVE YOU DADDY XOXO!?" He yelled laughter and anger mixing in. Lily starting laughing as well as everyone but Matthew.

Chase spins the bottle and it lands on Matthew. He grumbles but says dare and that's when Chase gets creative.

"Let Rachel draw anything she wants on your face in sharpie, you have to keep it on until tomorrow night." He says and Matthew groans.

Not going to lie, that was a sexy groan.

"fine," he says and lets Rachel sit on his lap. She then draws the most Rachel thing she could draw.

'Rachel Finn's property for life' is now written in sharpie all over Matthew's face.

At some point during this alcohol got mixed in and everyone was either drunk or tipsy, besides Ron, he was driving us home later.

A few rounds passed and Rachel spun the bottle, and it landed on me. Oh god.

"Truth or Dare, Newbie?" She says, mischievousness in her eyes.

Truth truth truth truth

"Dare." She smiles wide and then says the worst dare she could think of... well for me.

"Makeout with Denny for thirty seconds." The first kiss dare of many to come was Denny and I. Oh no.

I looked at Denny and he had a little-drunk smile on his face. Matthew scoffed.

"It's just thirty seconds," I mumble to myself. I plop down next to Denny and give him pleading eyes. I sadly used all my chickens on eating a handful of sand, skinny dipping, and giving a lap dance to Chase.

He scratched the back of his neck and we both awkwardly leaned in. He didn't make a move and I was honestly over everyone staring. I smacked my lips against his and closed my eyes as the thirty second makeout began.

I then heard Matthew stand and mumble bullshit then walk away from us.

Denny was stiff for a moment before he kissed back, and then ten seconds in he pulled away, wiped his mouth and walked to the dock.

Was I that bad?

I looked down, trying to ignore everyone staring at me.

"Quit staring at me!" I say and spin the bottle it lands on Rachel.

"Truth or Dare?" I ask her, my vision blurring slightly.

"Dare," she says, glaring at me. I glare back at her.

"Walk home, don't get a ride, walk home," I say, annoyed and pissed off that she embarrassed me in front of everyone. She scoffed.

"Chicken." She says and smirks.

"You're out of chickens. You used it on drinking a carton of milk, drinking water mixed with sand, and you used your last one on eating seaweed." I said coldly. She scoffed stood and turned around walking away. Thank god that bitch left.

"I'm tired, can we just go home," Chase complains and we all agree.


The car ride was awkward because I was sitting beside Matthew, and I swear something about him was driving me crazy.

It's just the alcohol talking.

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