Who's Going to Carry you Home ? ✔️

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I walked out of the gym, getting about a block away when I turned a corner and smacked straight into someone

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I walked out of the gym, getting about a block away when I turned a corner and smacked straight into someone. Ona fell out of my arms and onto the pavement, sobbing as her skin scraped against the cement.

God dammit!

I crouched and pulled her onto her bum.

"Hey, shh, it's okay, don't cry, Mae's here." I whispered in her ear, stroking her head lightly. Her sobs softened and then I finally looked over and saw

Matthew Halle

Crouching in front of my sister, looking at her scraped knee.

"Sorry," he said curtly, helping us both stand. Ona sniffled and leaned into me, looking at Matthew as well.

"Look, I know you don't have car, the gyms quiet far so I know you were walking, let me drop you guys off at your home, my cars right around the corner."

This man definitely has a soft spot for kids. If it were me he would have glared and walked away.

"I mean, the walk it's only about another 10 minutes." I said, securely holding onto Ona.

"I'm cold, Mae, I wanna go bed." Ona says, sniffling.

"We'd Love a ride." I said, blushing and following him to his car. He had a nice black hummer and damn, I wish I had this car.

I put Ona in the back and sat in the front. His car smelt like coffee and cologne, it was nice.

"I live down the street for about a quarter of a mile, then go left my apartment complex is bright brick red."  I said and glanced back at Ona, she was asleep. The drive went by quickly and we pulled up in front of the building. I got Ona out of the backseat, thanked Matthew and walked to the building. Ona was asleep in my arms as I entered the lobby.

"Hey Janice," I said and walked to the elevator. And then I looked to my left and saw ALL of Ona and I's stuff.

"Janice." I said briefly. I turned around and walked to the front desk.

"I'm sorry Mae, you haven't paid your rent in a month or so, someone else has moved into your apartment." She said, not looking me in the eye.

"Your kidding!" I whisper yelled, not wanting to wake up Ona.

She gave me a sorry smile and offered me a suitcase for our important stuff.

A tear streamed down my cheek as I put most of our clothes in the suitcase. I put in the necessities for hygiene and then my phone charger. I wiped my tears and closed the suitcase.

"Throw away the other stuff. I won't need it, we can't afford a new place." I said and left the apartment complex.

We walked toward the gym, I was not going to be seen by the boys, but I was going to camp around the gym so I could train early in the morning. I needed to make more money. I needed to get Ona somewhere safe. Not in the streets. She can not live in the streets. I pulled out a blanket from the suit case and tucked her in and let her lay in my lap.

I cried silently. I failed my parents, I failed what they would have wanted for Ona and I. And I failed Ona. I failed myself. I sighed and wiped my tears, sleep threatening to take me, but I can't , I need to be aware Incase Ona wakes up. I was shocked that she was still knocked out.

What seemed like hours of the silent city passed before I heard a voice.


Cliff hanger... 😌

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