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I watched as Matthew's fist connected with Carlos's face

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I watched as Matthew's fist connected with Carlos's face. A few minutes passed and I watched on the edge of my seat at the bar. I would be fighting after Matthew. Carlos punched Matthew and his jaw jerked to the side. Matthew recovered quickly and punched Carlos again, knocking him to the ground. Carlos stayed on the ground, not getting up. Matthew was declared winner and I prepared myself for the fight. I stood, wobbly legs as I made my way toward the roped in area. I took a deep breath and entered the ropes.

The girl was probably six feet tall and had immense muscles on every part of her body. While I had no muscles and could barely stand from how much I was shaking, I stared at the girl and remember the things that Matthew and Denny had taught me, it wasn't much, but just maybe in some universe I could beat her. The fight started and the girl didn't waste anytime. She kicked my rib and punched my shoulder, sending my to the ground. I winced, but rolled over and stood. She pushed my shoulder and I pushed back, throwing a punch at her cheek. I continued throwing punch after punch, she had obviously expected me to even touch her with force.

The girl did recover, and she punched me straight in the nose, I could feel the blood dripping down over my lips and passed them down my chin. She punched me again and by then I was done for. She kicked my rib twice and I hit the ground and I didn't get up.

"The winner is, Coarline!" The guy announces holding up her arm. I groan and stare up at the lights.

"Get up," Denny says, helping me thankfully.

He grabs my waist and lifts me into his arms, I wrapped my legs around his waist and let him carry me out.

We got back to the house and Denny put me down on his bathroom counter. He stepped between my legs and slowly wiped away the dried blood.

"You did good, well, you did better," he says and puts a band-aid on my forehead where the girl punched me. My bloody nose had stopped bleeding, thankfully Denny, assured it was not broken or anything like that. My body physically hurt.

"Thank you, for everything," I tell him and he nods. He finishes cleaning up the blood and helps me off the counter.

"I want to sleep," I tell him and he picks me up, taking me to my room.

He opens the door and Chase and Ona are both asleep while the TV plays a random late night cartoon. The two of them are taking up the entire bed and I really don't want to wake up Ona, but if I wanted to sleep I'd have to kick Chase out.

"You can sleep in my bed and I'll take the couch downstairs," He says and I shake my head.

"I'll take the couch, you don't have to," I tell him, trying to not fall asleep in his arms, but exhaustion is fighting against me not with me.

"No, you fought tonight, you need the bed," he says and I would have fought back, but exhaustion had beaten me.

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