The End Of All Things ✔️

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I stared up in shock, I could some what see Chase in the outline of my tears.

"Chase," I groaned out, rubbing my eyes. Ona stirred in my arms and I immediately froze, I had somewhat forgotten why I was crying. I was crying because Ona and I were homeless.

"What are you doing sleeping in an alley?" He asked, sitting down beside me.

"I- I- um I lost my apartment, and well, now I have no where but the streets, I was by the gym because I was going to train harder to get Ona and I a place again, or to find her a place at least." I said, wiping away the mascara streaming down my face.

"Jesus, ok I um- you can stay with us if you want." He offered, looking at me with honesty in his eyes.

"Us?" I questioned.

"Matthew, Denny, Ron, and I," he said and looked down at Ona.

"I, I'm not going to impose, I don't want your pity." I said and stared up at the stars.

"Trust me, you wouldn't be imposing, we need a girl in the house to keep us in check." He jokingly said, I wanted to laugh along but I didn't.

"Are you sure? Because I can find somewhere, I'm sure," I started rambling even though every word was a lie. I had no idea where to go, Amber and I, Jeremy and I, it was complicated.

"I'm positive, come on, I'll carry your stuff." He said and helped me stand and grabbed my suitcase. Ona's eyes opened and she slowly took in her surroundings.

She closed her eyes again and fell back asleep. I sighed and held her closely to me as I followed Chase to his car. Why was I trusting him, I don't know, maybe it was the fact that Ona being in a house was way to important to me.

And now, now I would have to face Denny.

"I won't stay for more than a day, or two, I swear," I said as he drove onto the highway.

"Please don't worry, we've been looking for a new roommate anyway." I sighed, leaned my head against the glass and thought of what I was going to do.

"I can't afford whatever the rent is, I literally have no money." I said, trying not to cry. I was always strong about these things, as long as I could pay rent I hadn't cared about anything else.

Ona was all I cared about.

"We live there for free, Matthews parents are billionaires and pay for 5 people to leave there, it's been us four for a year since or last roommate passed." He said as we got off the highway and started driving down some country roads.

"I feel horrible about this, I'm just dead weight to you guys." I mumbled and looked out the window at the dark tree line.

"You're not, please, we really have been looking for a fifth roommate, his parents say that they want the house full if they're paying for it." He said as we pulled up to a huge house.

Holy hell!

It was huge, it was a nice cabin that had a pool on the side, it was lit up, and it had two boys splashing around in it, and one sitting on the side with his feet dipped in.

Chase got out of the car, grabbed my suitcase, and I got Ona.

"Follow me, I'll show you your room, is it okay if Ona sleeps with you?" He asked.

"Because if it's not as can figure something out." He offered.

I let out a dry laugh and nodded, "it's perfectly fine." He smiled and lead me upstairs. He opened a door and inside was a king sized bed and a tv with a dresser.

"The WiFi password and Netflix password is on the back of the tv, feel free to use anything in the bathroom, it's currently stocked with men's products.. but well, I'm sure it won't hurt you." He said and closed the door. I sighed and tucked Ona into the bed. The huge bed. This was surely going to be different.

I was living with four deadly street fighters.

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