Chapter 12

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Kat wrote this cause traveling has me all messed up. Bless you Kat, bless you.

Jaiden's POV

It's come to the point that I can't even hide the fact from myself anymore.

I like James.

I like James, and he doesn't like me. Well, it's possible that he likes me, and really was defending himself from Tim and Adam. But not likely.

Who could ever love me?

I shove the voice away, in the corner of my brain I always kept it in. I couldn't think like that. Though... The voice might be right... But no.

I need to get my mind off things. De-stress.

I'll just check out some things online. Maybe I can do some cooking! I probably needed to work on that anyway... If Gordon Ramsay watched me in the kitchen, let's just say he wouldn't be too happy...

Jaiden- Ari, I'm gonna go try out some recipes off the computer. Ya comin' with me or no?

Ari just hovered and chirped in response.

Jaiden- I'll take that as a yes.

I pull my hair into a high ponytail and walk out to the computer. I had originally wanted to do cooking in general, but maybe baking was a better idea.

Jaiden- Let's see... Butterscotch cinnamon pie. Sounds pretty good. Spaghetti. That isn't baking though. Spaghetti pie? What? Snail pie?! That's a thing?! A lot of pies... Huh... I'm not really sure though...

Ari- *Squawk!*

Jaiden- Well what DO you want me to do, eat plain ketchup for the rest of my life?! Or maybe I should make a ketchup pie?!

I sighed. This might take longer than I had hoped...

* About 47 minutes later...*

Jaiden- Well... There seems to be a lot of mini raw cheesecake recipes... Wanna try those out?

Ari- *shrug chirp*

Jaiden- Whatever Ari. It's not like we have many options anyway; we've been looking for about an hour now! There were som good looking ones too; raspberry, blueberry, even Oreo! *clicks the 'print' button on her printer* It'll be fun!

I bring the recipes over to the kitchen and wash my hands. Luckily I have all the ingredients, or else I'd be screwed.

It seems though that I do have bad luck, because right in the middle of me making the crusts for the cheesecakes, I get a FaceTime request.

From James.

James POV

I was bored. And loveless. And hopeless. And overall just had a lot more 'lesses' in my life than I should.

By this time I'm just hoping with the hope that I don't really have that the kiss didn't ruin anything. Though Jaiden seemed pretty calm about it.

Until you freaked out in front of her and made her tense!!!

Other than that, yesterday had gone pretty well! But Adam and Tim...

I really want to strangle them, but I don't know if I could get away with the murders...

It's probably fine though, right?

Maybe I could just call her. Yeah, I'll just call.

I hit the FaceTime button before I can talk myself out of it.

Jaiden's POV

Why did he have to call me right now?! I'm a mess!

I quickly run water over my hands and hit the 'accept' button, propping my phone against a bowl I had taken out while it loads.

James- Hey Jaiden.

Jaiden- Hi!

James- Am I... interrupting something?

Jaiden- What? Why would you say that?

James- Well... You've got white stuff caked all over your face and hair...

Oh... Well this is great.

Kat- Greetings my lil neko children! Sally needed some strange thing that I've never heard of before... I do believe it was called 'seepla' or 'sleeap'... *checks text message* No, 'sleep'. She needed 'sleep'.

Huh... What a strange term...

In any case, I was left to write the chapter. By myself. LUCKY MEEEE. *sarcasm intensifies*

I will say this to people who haven't noticed it. In this chapter, I reference a certain fandom during the first part of the story. If you can guess what fandom it is, (withOUT cheating) I will give you a prize. And by prize I mean I will give a smol shout-out to everyone who names the fandom, and you also get bragging rights... But still, not the worst prize.

Other than that... I'll see you next chapter! And please; wear your seat belts!

Sally: Kat is responsible for the shout out don't come for me if she doesn't do it lol.

But seriously thank you Kat. I hope all of you liked the chapter!

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