Chapter 27

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Jaiden's POV

*Time-skip 5ish months*

Doctor- Here she is! Your new pride and joy!

She hands me, my daughter, as I smile. I'm finally done with my 7-hour labor, and my little girl is in my arms.

James- You did great, Jaiden. She's beautiful.

Jaiden- She's perfect. I didn't hurt her.

James- She is perfect.

Doctor- Do you have any name ideas?

Jaiden- Her name is Victoria Alice Rallison.

James fills out the form as Tori smiles.

*A day later*

Adam- I'm holding her!

James- She's not a china doll, you can hold her closer.

Adam- Ok.

He pulls her towards him and her hand touches his face.

Adam- She's so cute!

Tim- Just because you got here first doesn't mean you get to hold her forever!

Adam- Chill, here you go.

Tim- Awwwww!

Jaiden- Do you want to know her name?

Adam- Yeah! You wouldn't tell us!

James- Well, her name is Victoria "Tori" Alice Rallison. Tori after Tim and Alice after Adam.

They both lose it as Tim hands her back to me.

Tim- That's way better then Timella!

Adam- Or Adamiette!

James- Yeah. We would be insane to name our precious child those horrendous names.

Jaiden- I'm glad you like it. Because you didn't really have a choice in the matter.

Tim- We love it!

Adam- And her!

*Timeskip: about 14 years*

Jaiden's POV

I hear the door slam and instantly cringe. Ari seems to flinch, though how a bird can flinch, I'm not sure...

Tori drops her backpack roughly on the floor. I'm surprised that black bag is still usable.

Jaiden- Rough day?

She just shakes her head and reaches over to grab a yogurt from the fridge.

Tori- You have no idea...

Jaiden- What happened?

Tori sighs.

Tori- Can we go to my room then? I don't really want to talk about it with Dad around...

Ah. Girl problems.

Tori's POV

I walk over with Mom, Ari following close behind.

Normally I would talk to my friends about this. Clover and Mari are my best friends, and usually, they help me through this sort of stuff. I really don't like to talk to my parents about my problems, but I feel like this is the thing my mom can help with.

(A/N: Kat- Two things.

1- Somebody thought that the name Clover would be a nice name for Tori, but we had already named her... So I hope you like one of her best friends being named Clover!

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