Chapter 22

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Jaiden's POV

I don't know what to do.

A large chunk of my time took was taken up by thinking about James. And all the different ways I would get rejected by him. But now...

Ari was chirping and nuzzling all over my face. Like the demon - possessed doggo they probably are. It's like they know what I'm thinking... Ari is pretty smart though.

Jaiden- ...Wanna watch Gordon Ramsay to celebrate?


I swear Ari just rolled their eyes at me. But they still follow me to the remote and sit on their special part of the couch.

Jaiden's POV

I don't know what to do.

A large chunk of my time took was taken up by thinking about James. And all the different ways I would get rejected by him. But now...

Ari was chirping and nuzzling all over my face. Like the demon - possessed doggo they probably are. It's like they know what I'm thinking... Ari is pretty smart though.

Jaiden- ...Wanna watch Gordon Ramsay to celebrate?


I swear Ari just rolled their eyes at me. But they still follow me to the remote and sit on their special part of the couch.

*5 episodes later*

I need to work. I could be working right now and instead I'm watching T.V. I need to get it together. I hustle up my stairs and start working. I do about 500 frames when I realize I almost fell asleep. Is it really that late already? I check the clock


It's still pretty early, I could work some more. No Jaiden. Sleep is important. You have all day tomorrow. You. Need. To. Sleep. I put Ari in their cage jump into bed. Time flies when your doing your dream job.

*The Next Day*

James' POV

I actually got some work done yesterday! Go me!

...Now what?

I guess I could go visit Jaiden. That might be suspicious though. I mean, I HAVE been going to her house almost every day for a while now. And only four people know!

...Other than Ari. That dang bird... Only one word that can successfully describe that bird. CREEPY. Honestly, I'm concerned.

Anyway, I have to do something today.

I have to see my niece. It's her birthday! I can't believe I forgot! Wow. I'm a terrible uncle. Welp. I'm going to go buy her a present, and then go to my parents house. Should I invite Jaiden? Wait... Do I want my parents to know? Jaiden doesn't want to risk it... I'll just go on my own. I grab my car keys and run over to Target. I go into the toys section and see numbers and numbers of toys. What should I get her? I decide on this. I decide on a moth toy plush, for obvious reasons.

I start to walk over to pay for it when I see something.

A huge bag of sprinkles. I'm not even going to question this. This is obviously fate and you know you should never mess with fate. Ever. And besides, why else would there be such a large bag of sprinkles if it WEREN'T for me. So it'd obviously fate. Obviously.

I heave the bag over my shoulder and start walking over to the nearest line. This is so heavy...

Whatever, sprinkles are worth it.

I pay for my items and walk out. I hope the sprinkles don't melt in my "literal toaster" (A/N- Didi- I love quoting Jaiden, don't judge me.) I quickly drive over to my parents house and walk in.

(5yearoldneicename)- UNCLE JAMES!

James- Hey kiddo!

(5yearoldneicename)- YOU GOT ME SPRINKLES!

James- No, you would be too hyper.

(5yearoldneicename)- Awwww. No fair!

James- I got you another gift!

(5yearoldneicename)- YAY! WHAT IS IT!

James- You'll see it when it's time to open presents.

(5yearoldneicename)- *Huff* Ok.

She runs back to her mother as I set everything down.

A bunch of family members are around, and as I socialize with them, I notice my niece trying to sneak off with the sprinkles.

James- *slightly shouts so she can hear him* Put the bag down.

Niece- Dangit.

My sister and I laugh.

...I wish Jaiden was here to see this...

Jaiden's POV

Calm down Ari. I get up and let Ari out of their cage before my ears fall off. What time is it?

11:00AM! I SLEPT 10 1/2 HOURS! I HAVE WORK TO DO! I run downstairs and eat breakfast. I then run back upstairs to start working on my animation. While I'm drawing, I think about James. What's he doing? Should I call him? I decide to wait an hour or two. I need to work now.

...Work is boring when I think of what he could be doing.

But I still have a lot I can do! The animation will keep my mind off things.

*30 mins later*

Or I could just doodle. That works too. I mean, who needs to get their work done when they can doodle muscular cats?!


I need a life.

Kat- Hey guys! We're still in the shippers base, we're waiting until Jaiden and James forget about the whole 'crazy fanfics' thing. We don't wanna blow our cover here. *takes a sip from soda* In the meanwhile we'll just camp over here... At least it has good WiFi!

I noticed you guys are concerned about this book ending. Worry not, humans, for I, THE GREAT PAPYRU-

No but seriously, we have a plan for a new book that should be even BETTER than this one! WOAH. LOOKEE THERE. EVEN BETTER! So don't be too sad.

And yes, it's obviously Jameden. That's basically the only thing we write on here. What else did you expect?

Also this chapter is basically just a filler... Whoops! *shrugs*

See ya guys next time!

Sally- Life needs to chill.

That's it have a good day/night/afternoon everyone! Need a few more words to get to a 1000 words on the chapter only 4 more yay!

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