Chapter 1

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James POV

One day James saw Jaiden's new music video and he decided to eat a cookie that kinda looked like Tony while watching it. After he finished the video, he walked over to his phone and texted Jaiden.

"Hey I just saw your new vid, and thought that the only thing better than it was my Tony-shaped cookie," while sending a picture of the cookie.

Jaiden texted back,

"Cool! I worked really hard on it!"

He laughed and texted back

"I should hope so, I would be surprised if such a good video didn't get worked on that much"

*Switches to Jaiden POV*

I'm glad James liked the new video. I want to say something but idk what to say! I hope he likes me as much as I like him. Wait? Do I like him like him? I- I couldn't. Even if I did, it wouldn't matter. He couldn't love me back. Sigh... I really wish he would.

*Back to James POV*

Jaiden is the best. She worked really hard in this. She deserves all of the credit. I wish I new all what Boyinaband knew so I could spend more time with her. Wait? Do I like her? No. I couldn't like her. We are friends. Best Friends. Just friends.... I texts Jaiden,

"Want to hang out tomorrow?"

Her response comes a few minutes late.


He smiled. Just maybe...

*Switches back to Jaiden POV*

She spent several minutes staring at the screen. Meet up? Tomorrow? I texted


and sent it, immediately regretting it. Why do I do this to myself.... I suck at social situations. Oh well. If I can make a song I can talk with one of my best friends. Probably. Maybe.

Hello people who have decided to read this. My friend Kat and I have decided to publish this. Well I decided to publish this. We were writing a story over text and I thought wow I like this. So I posted it! She doesn't have WattPad. Ok bye now. Write later.

Just Friends... (A Jameden Story)Where stories live. Discover now