Chapter 4

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Jaiden's POV

As James closed the book I was laughing so hard we could barely hear the thunder.

Jaiden- Wow *laughing*

James- I told you it was pathetic *laughing*

Jaiden- Better than my scruffy pop out book!

James- Sure. Totally. Way worse.

Jaiden- It's true!

James- *still laughing* In any case... wanna watch YouTube?

Jaiden- Sure! Let's watch the first thing in your suggested box.

James- I take that as a challenge.

No ones POV

As James and Jaiden opened YouTube the first video was a hypnotizing video.

James- Who knows it might work?

Jaiden- Maybe!

When the video started to play, Jaiden and James started to get very sleepy. Before the hypnotist could actually start making them do stuff, James' phone died leaving him and Jaiden asleep.

Jaiden's POV

Usually Ari would be screeching at me by now. But there was no sign of Ari. Wait. I sat up. This is... James' room! I forgot all about sleeping in his bedroom... Did I drool on his pillow? Thank goodness I didn't. I move around and find James next to me. I froze. AH. WHAT. HELP. I see him move around and I fake sleep. This is so embarrassing...

James' POV

Is this a dream? Or a nightmare... I literally fell asleep next to Jaiden. AGAIN! Is she awake... No. Good. I get out of bed as quick as I can without waking her. Maybe I can make some breakfast. That'll calm me down... But what to make? Oh! Jaiden loves oatmeal! Faith left some oatmeal here last week! I'll just make that.

Jaiden POV

AH! He's downstairs! How did we fall asleep! Oh no! The best thing to do is go downstairs and not talk about it. Wait... What if he brings it up? Oh no. Maybe I should pretend to sleep for a few minutes. Yeah, that'd work. Right? Right. Obviously. I need a few minutes to think things over anyway.

Hello amazing people! Sally here, no Kat rn. She still helped me write the chapter tho. I hope u liked it!

Ok so I won't be writing/posting for the next few ay cause I'm going to camp. Yay *sarcastic jazz hands* I'm not excited.



Kat can't write/post on her own without me (cause she doesn't have WattPad. I've been over this lol) so just re read everything lol jk u don't have too.

Wish me luck at my camp (plz I really need it I don't wanna be social)

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