Chapter 24

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*Time skip 1 year.*

James' POV

I'm ready. This is it. I'm going to ask Jaiden to marry me. We've been keeping our relationship a secret and now I want to tell the world.

I have it all planned out in my head. We'll go to the place on our first date, climb the same tree with our initials carved in it, and I'll propose right then and there. I also got Adam and Tim to come along so they can film and take pictures.

But I've got to make sure that everything is perfect, while also making sure that Jaiden doesn't suspect anything.


Sounds easy enough.

Tim's POV-

It seems only yesterday Adam and I were matchmaking Jaiden and James together.

...Actually, yesterday we WERE stalki- I mean making sure their date went alright.


Adam's POV

Today's the day! Ahhhh! I'm so excited!!! I am so happy! Jamieson and Jaiden deserve each other!


I'm still a lonely single pringle...

Jaiden's POV

This has been the longest and happiest relationship of my life! I wonder... Will he propose soon?

James POV

Right now I'm in the car with Jaiden! My soon to be fiancé... hopefully... what if she says no! I start shaking as Jaiden notices.

Jaiden- You ok?

James- Yeah, just cold.

Jaiden- Cold? It's Arizona.


James- Weird, right?

We park as I see Tim and Adam close behind with a camera. Jaiden and I get out. I feel the ring in my pocket as we walk towards our tree.


Thunder fills the air as I realize I need to hurry this up.

Jaiden- Maybe we should reschedule, James.

No. No! Not today, weather!!!

(A/N: Kat- And that's when James realized... IT'S FREAKIN ARIZONA WHY THE FRICK IS THERE THUNDER?! ...It's one of those every once in a while occurrences i guess... *shrugs*)

James- No, we still have quite a while before it starts raining too hard.


...I didn't notice how pretty Jaiden looked today until now.

She has on a white shirt she had a while back on her merch store (A. drawing of Ari with the word 'DOG' under it.) and a flowing purple skirt, with her hair in a high ponytail, which Jaiden does a lot. It's perfectly intact actually... How?


James- Is a skirt the best idea when we're going to be out in trees and in the rain?

Jaiden pulls her skirt down a bit to show jean shorts underneath.

James- Oh.

Jaiden- I'm prepared!

James- Of course.

Adam and Tim were getting dangerously close.

James (frantically)- Do you remember when we played Pooh sticks?

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