Unstable Markus x reader

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This one-shot was inspired by the video above (I am the animal by DAGames). Please note that I made this on a whim. I have tried to make this as less game spoilt as possible.

Despite he calm and leader looking appearance, I always thought of Markus as some kind of Alpha when he talked to his leading circle, as well as his followers. The fact that he had two different eye colours didn't help matters either.

In short, I thought he was a wolf in disguise, his brown/black skin was the fur, his pupils would shrink in the light and make him look more like a predator when he was trying to intimidate someone, whether he knew it or not.

It also stopped me from talking to him properly, let alone talking face to face or when we were alone. I had originally thought that it was to do with the weight of being a leader, as well as the events of what happened in Jericho (even though its been a a few days since it happened), loosing everything that once been your home would do that to a person.

But then again, Markus was exactly a human was he?

Despite his efforts of trying to make his people feel welcomed and integrate (apoligise if I have the wrong word) into society, things didn't seem to be going well.

It all started when I came to him wishing to help improve the relationship between androids and humans by helping fix anyone who had been injured, I was one of the first humans that wanted to help them, because I believed they were good people.

North, a friend to Markus, didn't like the idea, especially because I could kill them while they were vulnerable, I suggested having someone watch me while I did my job, Markus wasn't sure if that was a good idea, but I easily persuaded him that the relationship between our kinds was on a thread as it was, having a neutral person, a policeman perhaps, who could report what was going on would be beneficial.

He said he knew the perfect person for the job. But that didn't stop North from giving me the stink eye when no one was looking.

Anyway, it went well for the first month, me and Markus' group were bonding well and they began to treat me as part of the family, then I asked Markus if he would be willing to teach me some self defence when he had spare time.

I wished I hadn't.

He had led me to a decent room that was big enough for our purpose, but when he went into instructor mode, I noticed a big change in him, I could see the leader in him when he had made his appearance on Channel 16, I saw the alpha wolf that wanted to protect his people.

He looked less human and more animal, especially when the sparing started, he went all out on me, no remorse, no regret, I didn't last 10 seconds. It was like he was an entirely different person, a predator going in for the kill, a predator stalking a prey. I was the prey. After the fight he would give me something to help with the pain, silently apologising and asking if he had been too rough on me, I told him no despite my nerves being completely shot from that intense match.

He stayed silent, despite the fact he knew I was lying.

But even with the help I couldn't even walk after that session, I made sure to stay in my temporary room until I was sure I could walk without limping. Weirdly enough no one had tried to disturb me.

Ever since then things started getting stranger, after a few days of resting and getting back to work, I had noticed he would pass by occasionally and look at me, at first I thought he was just making sure I was okay.

But then when he started doing it every day I realised that there couldn't just be the reason, especially when he gave me the alpha look. I remember going to bed with a flip in my stomach and a twisted gut.

It had nothing to do with the sparing matches either.

Then I broke, I couldn't handle with the constant looks he was giving me, nor could I stand the predator look he was giving me, I had to know, I needed to know what he was trying to achieve with these constant looks.

That was where I am now, at his apartment at night and about to knock when I hear the sounds of arguing coming from the other side of the door, it wasn't loud enough to disturb the neighbours, but it was loud enough for me to hear even if it was muffled.

I had knocked once before jumping back in fright when the door was thrown open to reveal a frustrated and almost crying North, who looked at me before running down the hall with her hands clenched so tightly they would have turned white if she were human.

"Your here" I turned to see Markus standing in the door way "I wasn't expecting you, is there something you need?"

He spoke politely and gestured for me to come in, I cautiously made my way inside and closed the door before noticing that there was barely anything except for a couch, a TV and a few nic-nacs. It looked almost cosy.

"Is there something troubling you?" he asked again.

I did come here for a reason, but the words seemed to refuse coming out, I had to gulp and cough a few times before I tried again.

"Your creeping me out Markus" well that was rather blunt wasn't it? "I've seen you stare at me when you think I'm not looking, your eyes are practically saying you want to rip me apart, I have nothing against you guys and I have given no reason for you not to trust me, so what is going on with you? Is there something wrong with your circuits? Do you need me to help you?"

At this point I was getting desperate.

But all he did was stare at me, with those wolf eyes, as if contemplating whether or not he would rip me apart, it looked more intimidating now that we were alone.

"I'm sorry" I couldn't tell if he was telling the truth or not, but his eyes looked a little more human this time "it's just that, despite me being deviant for a while, I am still getting accustomed to these new emotions, I'm a prototype you see, so they feel more, overwhelming"

Well that made some sense, prototypes were still in the development stage so they could be more prone to accidents than ones that weren't.

"Every time I see you, I just want to, lock you up, keep you away from anyone else" and there came the predator stare again "I don't want others to look at you, I want to rip them apart just from patting you on the shoulder"

There was no way that was jealousy, right? More like possession.

He slowly moved his way towards me, making me slowly back up to the closed door, he was doing it again, that stalking look before going in for the kill.

"I want you all to myself" he whispered in my ear "I have tried so hard not to kill anyone, I would have killed North if you hadn't knocked on the door"


A hand gripped my neck and my body completely shut down as I stared into his cold, animal eyes.

"I don't know what these feelings are, all I know is that I don't want them to go"

Despite my self defences I knew that I would be no match against him, especially when he crushed his mouth against mine.

This man, no, this android, really is an animal, his roar was unstoppable when he wanted it to be, and he had me in his claws, with a promise of never letting me go.

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