Yandere Connor x Yandere RK900 x reader

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When it comes to thinking what a prison would look like, you would automatically assume it was a dark room with cold metal bars, cold tiles or run down tiles, a bench or a bed that looked like it was going to break the second you sat on it, and the temperature would be the equivalent of Antarctic weather.

But the one you were in, was far from it, you were in what looked like a zen garden, peace and tranquil, a little rose garden in the center with a gazebo hovering above it with little patterns so that the sun could poke through.

The center had four little bridges spreading towards the 'mainland' where there were sand patches with lines drawn in them, then surrounding the patches was a little grassy area in the shape of a triangle with a Japanese lamp in all three corners and what looked like a forest surrounding the area. Oh yeah, there was a little river flowing under the bridges with a boat that you could use for a little 'cruise'.

It may have looked like a peaceful place, but this was your prison, even if they didn't seem to think so.

Who are they? RK800 and RK900, also known as Connor and RK, they had eliminated your physical body and now you were trapped inside their 'mind palace'.

Yep, that's right, you are an android, or were an android, an AX400 to be exact.

Despite you not being an official part of the police, you always did your best to help them by keeping an 'ear' out for anything unusual out on the streets, then you would relay it to Connor and then he would inform Hank or whoever it was that was specialized in your reports. Your insight helped Connor and RK with their missions and made them succeed almost 100%.

But it didn't stop RK from staring at you with those cold and calculating eyes, Connor would always have to drag the android away when he refused to look away from you, that stare always got under your circuits.

Connor just looked at you with politeness and with a puppy look, you could never stay mad at, you couldn't stop smiling at him either. Even though they were complete oppisites, they seemed to complete each other, and you didn't mean that in a romantic way either.

It had been going well for a while, you were all inseparable, until one day you ended up being taken as a hostage.

You had only gone out to get some better coffee for Hank than the rubbish they had in the station, while you had been waiting in line you were unprepared for the tug on your arms being yanked behind your back with a gun shoved to your head.


You didn't need to look at the guy to realize that he was one of those anti-android people.

You had no idea why he was doing this, you were in a cafe so you doubted he was there for the money, mentally unstable perhaps? You never did understand how these humans worked, maybe that was why you talked more to other androids, Hank being the exception.

You were stuck like this when you heard the sounds of police sirens outside and you vaguely make out Connor coming out of the car, no surprise as he was built to negotiate, but with this guy hating androids you doubt he was willing to listen to Connor, even with his built-in silver tongue, figuratively speaking of course.

Unless this guy had something against Connor in which case you were royally fu-

"My name is Connor, I have come unharmed"

You were too scared by the gun to pay attention to what Connor was saying, or notice the two different emotions swirling in Conor's eyes when he looked between yourself and the nut job, the only thing you remember was the sound of a gun being shot, you throw yourself onto the floor with the human falling to the floor injured after being shot in the shoulder, Connor having to be the one to shot him with his cleverly hidden gun.

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