Yandere Connor- He remembers

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Warning, mentions of blood, sorry if this looks rushed, I just made it on a whim. 

He remembers going for a walk to the station because he needed time to himself, trying to understand the new emotions swirling in his circuits after he became deviant.

He remembers walking past a coffee shop, stopping for a moment before proceeding to go inside to get a cup for Hank since he had forgotten to have one that morning and hated drinking the stuff from the office.

He remembers seeing you for the first time, you were humming something on the radio while cleaning up the tables and removing any leftover litter that was on the tables, he mentally admitted that you looked interesting for a human, but it wasn't until you looked at him that he was certain that his circuits were malfunctioning. But after running a diagnostic scan and not seeing anything wrong, he could only conclude that it might have been an emotion.

But what that emotion was, he wasn't sure yet.

He remembers how you noticed him after he cleared his throat, how you stopped what you were doing and looked at him looking nervous but still give him a warm smile, telling him to wait a moment before removing all rubbish from your hands into their respected places before going behind the counter and asking if there was anything he wanted to order. As if he was just a normal human being.

He still remembers the polite but warm smile he gave you as he ordered Hanks favorite coffee, he watched as you began the work of making coffee, the way you moved screamed that you could have made it blindfold with little difficulty.

And then as you finish the cup and hand it to him and he transfers the money for payment and walks away to leave, he remembers the second smile you give him while saying 'if your friend enjoys it, feel free to come back, androids are always welcome here'.

He really hoped he would see you again.

It became a routine after that, after Hank admitted that the coffee was better than any other coffee he had. Connor would walk to the shop, give you a polite 'hello' or 'good morning' before ordering coffee.

He also remembers the few times where you were in the back and he was stuck with another human, who was either bored, angry, or trying to flirt with him (and that was only when it was obvious).

But the one thing he noticed the most during those early mornings, was that when he looked at you, he could feel his pump regulator (or heart if you want human terms) skip a beat, his wires would flutter when you smiled at him.

You were the only one who gave him these feelings, and he loved every minute of it.

Not even Hank could ruin it when he asked what the 'what the f*ck was wrong with him' when he looked dazed when he took a trip down 'memory lane' as the humans would say.

He has a whole file in his mind about you as well as your records from the police files, it even had your name on it, he still wonders why. He's also surprised that he is still able to function properly while on the job.

He remembers the first time he saw you without your uniform on, he had been taking Sumo out for a walk and met you at the park he took Sumo to. You had a dog as well named Patches, your dog was a grey and white husky.

He loved dogs, and it warmed his pump regulator when he saw that you shared the same love as he did, especially when you asked him if the dogs could play with each other when you met up at the park.

He couldn't help but say yes.

He remembers how your smile seemed to brighten more when he agrees.

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