RK800-60 x reader 1/2

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Edit: Sorry guys, I was trying to edit this piece but accidentally deleted it

He had no idea how he got here, truly, but it didn't matter now, he had failed his mission and was only good for scrap. Besides, who would have thought he would be on the verge of Deviancy? No one.

He wasn't meant to become a deviant, he refused to even acknowledge that he was slowly becoming a Deviant ever since he had been rebooted and finding himself in some strangers house rather than the white walls known as Cyberlife.

However, the irony of a deviant hunter becoming a deviant wasn't lost on him.

As the human began to check his inner wires, the android RK800-60 known as 'Connor' began to process what he remembered, as far back as he could.

He faintly remembers holding a gun against someone, a human he believes, a mere necessity when he needed to accomplish a task, he remembers a faint image of fighting a deviant him before they stopped and stood side by side as they try to convince the human they were the 'real Connor'.

Then he vaguely remembers getting a bullet to the head before 'waking up' here, staring into the humans concerned face as they looked at him, it almost made him frown at the thought. He was a machine made entirely of wires, circuits and plastic and was designed to hunt down machines that never should have gone against their program to begin with.

He didn't even want to admit that he had in fact freaked out and fell off the table and ran into a corner a few seconds after he was rebooted and unaware of his surroundings. He didn't even want to admit that he felt FEAR as he tried to make himself smaller.

His vision was good enough that he could see the human hold their hands out in a calming gesture, as they knelt down while trying to not pose as a threat. If he wasn't so shaken he would have scoffed at his behavior.

"Easy there" they said in what could only be described as a soothing tone toward a wild and injured animal "everything is fine, your okay, I found you and I'm simply trying to patch you up"

It took two seconds for Connor to process what the human had just said, he didn't know whether to grit his teeth in annoyance or scoff at the humans behavior, of course he was fine, he was (keyword 'was') the state of the art prototype and was perfect at his job. A little reboot wasn't going to stop him from completing his mission.

And yet he somehow got shoved back onto the table as they made sure everything was in working order, if he wanted to act human he would have bounced his leg in annoyance.

"Well, a bullet to the brain aside, everything seems to be in working order" they smiled at him, Connor mentally scoffed.

"Machines don't have brains" he grabbed the cup of Thirium that was handed to him "but I appreciate you fixing me" it certainly didn't 'hurt' to be polite, after all they did fix him.

"I must admit I have never seen your model before" the human spoke "are you a recent prototype?"

"I am a state of the art prototype designed to accomplish a task and to help human society" Connor responded automatically, for some reason, he felt a small sense of, pride? Happy that he was a better modal than the other?

He wasn't sure why the human was frowning at him though "you sound like a robot, how come you aren't free like the others?"

Free like the others? "I am a machine designed to accomplish a task, deviants are machines going against their program, they don't and can't feel emotions, its just an error in their software"

This made the human look at him in surprise "you mean you don't know?"

Connor nearly frowned "what are you talking about?"

The human led him to the living room and turned on the TV, Connor watched in genuine surpise, he grimanced when he saw the clip of the RK200 leader kiss a Traci model while being held at gun point, and then said humans lowered their weapons 5 seconds afterward. Then to make matters worse, he saw the first RK800 walk down the streets with an entire army of freshly deviated androids straight from Cyberlife.

So he was right from the beginning, he had failed his mission, so why was he repaired by this human? Why wasn't he in the dumping sight for all android failures? What would Amanda think of him?

Wait, Amanda, perhaps she might be able to tell him what his next objective was.

Ignoring the look the human was giving him, Connor sat down on the sofa and closed his eyes and entered the garden software, a part of him wondered why she hadn't called him the second he was rebooted.

It wasn't until he entered the zen garden did he realise why Amanda never contacted him, and for the first time in his second rebooting, he finally felt something at full force, cold.

Wrapping his arms closer to his body he began to look around, the place was covered with snow and the blizzard was stopping him from looking around properly, he was lucky to even see his shoes.

"AMANDA!" he called out "AMANDA ARE YOU HERE?!"

"You've failed the mission" Amandas voice seemed to echo all around him, he couldn't pin point the location from the blizzards interferance "you've become obsolete, you'll be deactivated"

No, no, no, no this cannot be happening, he had just been reactivated he could not be taken offline yet, surely he could get another chance to improve his relationship with her.

But with every step he took, the weaker his systems seemed to get.

For the first time since his first activation (back when he was trying to deactivate Deviant Connor), he felt cold, alone, numb, more so than he had before. He even held his arms together as if hoping to keep the warmth from escaping, but it was useless.

"Find...up" a faint voice could be heard through the wind, for a second, Connor felt warmer "back.."

What was the voice trying to say?

"Find...back up...emergan...file"

Back up? Emergan? Wait, did the voice mean emergency file, a backup?

A faint blue glow that Connor had never seen before from the edge of his vision began to appear, considering he had nowhere to go this seemed more than likely the best thing to go for, not like he could do anything else other than 'freeze to death'.

Finding new strength, Connor began his way towards the blue glow, fighting the urge to buckle his knees as they got colder and began to freeze up his circuits. He walked on the frozen lake, past the dead lights and found himself looking at the odd-looking stone pillar that held a hand print.

And Connor found himself no longer able to hold himself up, his knees buckled and fell to the ground on all fours staring at the ground. A part of him wanted to finish what he started, to place his hand on the stone and hopefully be back in the room with the human who booted him back up.

But what was the point now? He had been used to deactivate another machine and had failed, there was nothing left for him, he had failed his mission the second he was activated, he was obsolete, defective, there was nothing left for him now.

With that thought in mind, he moved until he was kneeling in front of the stone pillar and allowed the coldness to wash over him, swirls of snowflakes sticking to him like glue and swirling around him like a blanket blowing in the wind.

I am a machine designed to accomplish a task, and I failed it.

"Please, ...back...you...real...a...alive"

But if that was true, then why did he have the urge to fight back?

Am I Deviant?

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