Request: RK900 x reader

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This is a request by Lafayette188, sorry if its not exactly what you wanted, this is my first time doing a police related/crime scene and I have no idea how it's done.

Protective RK900 aka Nicholas x reader, scene: crime scene

This by far, had to be one of the most annoying cases I have ever done, and that was including having an RK900, aka Nicholas for a partner, not that I was against the idea of having an android for a partner since I had worked with Connor every now and then. I just found it awkward talking to him when we weren't on cases or just hanging around in the police department. He wasn't meant for small talks.

It was clear from the start that he prefered to stick to protocal when we were on the job, but recently I have begun to notice that there have been the odd few times where he shows emotion in his eyes, a flash but it was there.

But the problem was, he was a machine, not a deviant.

He had been in production nearing the end of the peaceful revolution, when the president found him close to completion, she had demanded that Cyberlife finish it but remove the command to hunt down deviants or risk loosing the chance to ever have a job again.

Reluctantly, they had no choice but to agree. But somehow they had found a loophole and now I am stuck with the perfect machine who might never become deviant and forced to serve humans, Cyberlife sure knew what they were doing, didn't they? B*stards.

But, I can't really fault Nicholas for it, it wasn't his fault for being made this way, it was all Cyberlifes fault with their power hungry and manipulated claws. Sickos.

"Is everything all right Detective?"

I was brought out of my thoughts at the sound of a human/robotic voice, Nicholas, who was looking at me with 'concern' on his face. To be honest Connor made it look more genuine when he was still machine, Nicholas' screamed 'fake'.

"Uh, yeah, sorry Nick, just thinking about the case" by case I mean the one we are currently in the middle of, I really need to stop zoning out when in the middle of a crime scene "this killer has already taken 2 victims, one android and now a human and I do not wish for there to be a third" long cases always pressured me, there was only so much I could take before I felt overloaded, if it wasn't for Nicholas I might have a had a mental breakdown by now.

"You are concerned we will not find the killer in time" it was a statement, not a question "do not try to overthink things as it will cause your stress to go higher, and that will make you unavailable to continue"

One of the many things I liked about Nicholas, straight to the point, blunt, even if he was acting like Connor when he first came to the station. This was something I preferred, if you weren't going to say anything or be honest with me, don't say anything at all.

"Yes, I don't want another person to die on our watch"

"I can understand why you would be concerned" not really "humans are so fragile that they could break with just a flick of my wrist" that, actually made sense. And he wasn't over-exaggerating either.

I mentally sigh before taking a look at the victim. it was clear that who killed them had some knowledge of the human body, but they were still sloppy when it came to cleaning the evidence, what shocked me the most was that he was able to hide himself the first time before we were able to get another lead. And that was where we found the body.

"There is a 50% chance of him still being in the area, it is very likely that we are not dealing with a professional as he did not clean any finger prints after the murders in both areas, and he was able to get himself injured during this fight, the victim died from blood loss and was able to injure the killer before he finally subcumed to his wounds" Nicholas began his theory "since there isn't much blood we can only assume two things for the moment, either he knew how to stop the blood flow enough to escape the place completely, or he is still here and waiting for a chance to escape"

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