Yandere Markus 1/2: Homeless encounter

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Who knew a decision could lead to bad results?

You shivered as the cold tried to knaw at your skinny bones, compared to the others you were more underfed than the homeless people were, but the one thing that made you different from the others, was that you didn't blame androids for taking your job, it wasn't their fault they had been built to serve humanity from the moment they were built.

So when you found out that they were walking around the place celebrating that they were now free people, you couldn't help but be overjoyed, but that didn't stop the other homeless people from complaining, you learned to just tune it out.

Right now you were in an abandoned warehouse with four other people, Charlie, Sam, Jack, and Peter, who were all sitting near a fireplace that was close to going out, and everyone was too cold or too lazy to go out and get more burn material. The area you 'lived in' was an industrial area, long since abandoned by Cyberlife but it was a great place for the homeless to stay and keep warm in the harsh weather. It was barren with only a few odd boxes lying around, but you mainly used them for seats or a bed so you wouldn't have to sleep on the cold hard floor.

"Who's turn is it to go out anyway?" said Charlie, he was considered a leader for the homeless, trying to help everyone stay together and share out what bits of food they had left.

"How can we move when we are already freezing our butts off?" snapped Jack, who was rude to anyone he had never seen before, especially androids.

"This isn't the first time we've had a bad winter so don't act like it now, we've been through worse" you replied back.

Charlie agreed with you "we've been through worse and you always act like you are better, you sure you aren't homeless?"

"I've seen him panhandling and pickpocketing people before the place was deserted" said Sam.

This made Charlie look at Jack with a serious expression, speaking through gritted teeth "you did what?"

"I stole enough to get a little snack, so what?" Jack defended himself.

"Stealing is wrong no matter the reason"

You decided to leave the moment the argument began to get heated, you could never deal with that kind of pressure even if it was from someone else. Now thinking about it, since you were up you might as well look outside the area and see if there was anything for the fire.

Clinging onto the thin, worn out jacket you had on you immediately left through the front door and shut it behind you before making your way onto silent and abandoned neighborhood.

Despite you being happy for their freedom, you were still a little skeptic on being alone with them for too long, considering you were homeless you had found out the hard way when it came to trusting others. But then again, that was from a human, not an android.


You stopped walking and saw that you had almost walked into someone, it wasn't until you saw his face that you realized who exactly he was. Markus, the leader of the free androids.

"Sorry to trouble you, but do you know of a suitable, abandoned building that could hold a thousand androids?"

A THOUSAND ANDROIDS?! You knew there was over a hundred of them but not that much?

"Uh, um" you stuttered before trying to compose yourself, Markus seemed to have noticed your unease so he took a few steps back and waited patiently for you to calm down "there are plenty of abandoned places in the industrial area, but the biggest building I've seen could probably hold 500, I think its the for the other buildings"

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