Yandere RK900: Technical love

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Warning, mentions abuse and forced relationship and slight gore, you have been warned.

He didn't understand at first what was happening, it wasn't until someone had shown him why his mission was no longer a primary goal that he began to question why he was activated and still operating in the first place.

RK900 aka RK (a human name is useless for a machine like him), had just found out that androids were now considered free people and had their own rights and were allowed to have jobs of their own, Cyberlife was no longer making them to serve humans, only spare parts and blue blood that would be distributed to hospitals and weirdly enough, Detroit Police Station was also being sent those parts and blue blood as well. And despite the fact that he was now 'free' of his programming, he decided to stay and work with the Police force, as that was what he had been designed to do in the first place, even if some of the humans weren't happy about.

Despite there being a few androids working in the station, they did not always require parts everyday, only the RK models since they always seemed to get into trouble on a daily basis. RK faintly remembers someone complaining why is their job always dangerous, the new officer, who just happened to be the android repairer replied with 'your Police Officers, it's an occupational hazard' but he has no idea what that meant, nor did he care to know.

But he was certainly intrigued as to who you were.

The next time he met you was when he had been injured by rescuing his human partner, he estimated that he had a 30% chance of survival and that was something he couldn't risk having, fortunately he only grazed his right shoulder as well as his right leg, nothing serious had been damaged but standared protocol stated that he get checked, even if he had built in sensors for this kind of thing. But then again, he did need to get it fixed.

So here he was, inside the station sitting in the chair opposite you as you scanned his whole body even after he stated what was wrong with him.

"I understand that you are used to using your scanners" you said "but what happens if your scanner malfunctions? And you find out later on the job that one of your biocomponants is malfunctioning?"

RK sat there as you continued to work, processing everything that you had just said with a small, unnoticeable frown. The idea was plausible enough to consider despite him being top of the range and a better improvement to the RK800 unit, but that didn't mean he was immune to viruses, even his virus remover could only handle ones that were known, other wise he would have to seek out help to get it removed from his system.

He continued to stay silent as he watched you finish the scan and begin your work of getting him fixed, it took no less than 15 minutes to get everything done and weirdly enough you didn't change the injured limbs, you simply added stuff on to make it more sturdy and more secure. Why though?

"Okay, your good to go, be careful out there okay?" You said as he turned to leave.

"I am a machine, I do not need to be careful" was all he said before leaving.

His partner just so happened to be Detective Reed, the Captain thought it would be good if they were paired together as RK had a better chance of keeping the Detective in line, if he could feel amusement he would be smiling in glee at putting the human in his place. What irritated him though, was the looks Reed gave you when you came in and out of work, it was inappropriate behaviour for a police officer, especially when he kept asking you to make him a drink, as if you were an android.

And considering your opinion on how androids were right to be treated as living beings, even with the law in place, that didn't mean everyone in office supported it, they kept it to themselves but one could tell they hated them when no one was looking. Reed was no exception as he always seemed to enjoy insulting RK whatever chance he had, Connor included.

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