Kara x reader- My Star

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This takes places after the pacifist ending and Kara, Alice and Luthor manage to cross the border without anyone getting killed. If I got any of the characters names wrong then feel free to tell me. 

My Aunt Rose had given me a call about a family of androids who were trying to cross the border, since my dad was busy at the moment she had asked me if I could go and pick them up, she had given me a picture of them and that they were still wearing the same clothes in the picture, so it would definitely save me some time in trying to find them.

It took me 30 minutes to get the border station/bus stop, I had to park the car at a distance so I had walk the rest of the way there. The moment I was in human vision distance, I noticed three people huddled together, well two of them were hugging each other, a grown up and a child while the big lanky guy was looking down on them like a guardian with a content and happy smile on his face.

I realised that these might be the people I was looking for, so I quickly pulled out my phone and looked at the image, yep, that was them all right. So these must be the androids that I needed to get home safely, not gonna lie, the adult female looked really adorable and sweet.

But this was the first time I've ever met or even talked to an android before, and there was still some police people with guns in their hands, I needed to be really calm about this otherwise this would rouse suspicion.

Okay pal, you got this, slowly inhaling and exhaling to calm my nerves, I walked as calmly as I could while placing my hands into my pocket, scrunched up piece of paper that held instructions clenched tightly in my fist, hopefully they would ask questions.

"Excuse me" I called out to them, making them look at me in surprise as well as suspicion "oh there you are, I've been looking all over for you, how you guys been doing?"

I made sure I was blocking the polices view while holding my paper-in-hand out to the adult woman, hoping she would shake it. She looked nervous at first as she tried to pull the kid out behind her, the big guy decided to do that as the woman nervously shook my hand before frowning at the sensation of the paper, I quietly mouth 'open and read' and waited for her to do so, she discretely read what was on it before quickly crushing it and placing it in her pocket, half smiling while nodding her head slightly at me.

"We've been doing okay, slightly shocking at the amount of control that is happening here" she replied while trying to give me a polite smile, it looked more like a grimace "my daughter is very sick because of this weather"

"Yeah well don't worry, Canada isn't this cold all the time, come on, let's get you guys some place warm, you look like you fell in an avalanche"

The chuckle the woman made sent a good shiver down my spine "you could say that"

I led them towards where my car was, and when I was sure we were all out of hearing distance I began to speak "sorry about this, my dad was busy with work and had asked me to come pick you up, thank goodness Auntie Rose gave me an image of you otherwise it would have taken me longer to find you" I unlocked the car and opened the back door for the kid to get in "I know it wasn't the best way to introduce ourselves, but you could tell me yours?" I told them my name before they introduces themselves.

"I'm Kara, this little one is Alice and his name is Luthor" she smiled warmly.

I couldn't help but give the same smile "pleasure to meet you all, now lets go, I know your free but I'd feel safer once we are away from here"

During the ride I told them more about my family, and how Rose was in fact my aunt, that raised all their eyebrows in surprise and I couldn't hold back the laugh that had been held in the back of my throat.

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