Yandere Connor x Yandere RK900 x reader pt2

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Author here, you don't have to read this, but someone suggested I do another part to the RK and Connor Yandere. Also, from what I've been seeing, it was apparently Connor's birthday yesterday, so, happy late birthday Connor?

I've begun to lost track of time in this prison, I no longer had my internal clock and the place was like an eternal sunny morning with no clouds in sight.

RK and Connor always made an appearance though when they weren't on a case or interacting with Hank or Detective Reed, in fact, they spent all of their free time with me when their partners were asleep.

In short, it was becoming boring, fast, especially when they tried to shower me with kisses and how much they 'loved' me. And if I said I didn't love them back, they would grip my hand to the point it would turn white but not 'damage' me, or one of them would backhand me before holding me close and whispering 'sorry' and 'this is for your own good'. Well, it was mostly Connor who said that, RK didn't seem too bothered.

And that was another thing, their attitudes towards me had changed, creepiness aside, Connor would always act like a little kid and tell me things he had not known about, as if I didn't know about them as well, and he would always show me affection when we went on a little 'walk' around the garden, or a cruise on the water when it wasn't his turn to row the boat. And every time he greeted me, he would always kiss me on the cheek.

As for RK, he was the complete opposite of Connor, he would walk behind Connor when the hyper detective comes up to me and gets very energetic, when he was done RK would simply walk towards me with confidence and give me a dominant kiss while wrapping his hands around my waist, not gonna lie, it always left me breathless. But he nor Connor ever told me about crime stuff, nor did they talk to me about the outside world unless they needed some help about certain things.

And lets not forget the lack of privacy this place has, when Connor said that we were joined through 'mind, body and soul' I had thought he was joking, that was until I tried to think of ways to escape this nightmare, I was met with an upset Connor and an angry RK, both had held me tight in their arms before bending me over like some human child and proceeded to punish me by spanking my backside, despite the lack of feeling it did send my circuits to go funny, or what circuits I had considering I was nothing more than just a memory.

Sometimes they entered together, sometimes they came by themselves, but it was mostly together. And I was really close to losing what sanity I had left. And the fools didn't seem to notice, or they were just ignorant, a part of me still wonders how they haven't realized that I still don't love them the way they want me to.

They always made decisions for me, they never asked if I could do something for them, they would just shower me with fake roses (not from the gazebo) or create a fake picnic while they talked about what happened in the real world or talk about how much they love me and how 'pretty' I looked. It was driving me insane.

I sat under the gazebo and buried my head in between my knees as if to block the suns glare from my eyes, for a moment I could pretend that it was night time, that the stars wouldn't be out tonight and that the next moment I open my eyes it would be nothing but the empty blackness of the night sky, sadly when I open my eyes it is still daytime, I just let out a groan and slump my chin on top of my knees.

I remember one time when I had asked if they could make it night time, just out of curiosity, I was really thankful that Connor didn't find it offensive as he simply asked "why would you want to hide in the dark? Your beauty rivals the sun itself"

I nearly choked on those words alone before I could respond, this was going to be harder as they never liked me talking about my life before I 'died' "I remember walking the streets at night time when I was on the job, I always felt, content, happy, calm" when I saw Connors face get angry with every word I said I quickly said "I've also heard from humans that it can be rather romantic when the stars are out and its a full moon, they tend to do that when they go on a date"

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