Request: Daniel x Neko Reader

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Pairing: Daniel x Neko Princess reader

Scene: Abandoned house

Alright, this might be really bad, especially since Daniel might be acting a little OOC, but honestly, how do you expect him to react after being resurrected by humans?

The President had considered a lot about the new changes that were to happen when accepting the androids as a new 'species' and had decided to let all androids, who had been killed around November, to be given a second chance.

Daniel, the ex-servant to a child and who had almost thrown himself off the roof with her, was one such android, but he honestly wished they hadn't bothered, because everywhere he looked, he was met with faces of disgust and people trying to hide their children whenever he looked at them.

He had, had enough, even with this second chance, humans would always see him and his people as nothing but servants and murderers, as if that wasn't hypocritical of them.

So here he was, lying some abandoned building staring at the ceiling as if hoping it would break and collapse on top of him, he had already done his duties of helping Markus for the day and just wanted to hide from everyone for a little while.

Unfortunately, he had turned his hearing down so low that he did not hear the footsteps that stopped near his side.

"Why are you sad?" said the voice.

He didn't hear anything until he opened his eyes and saw someone looking down at him with concern, it caused him lash out, out of instinct. He ended up swinging his leg to trip the intruder onto the ground, giving him time to get up and move a good distance away in case they tried to do anything.

The stranger whimpered "I'm sorry" they said, it was a female's "I didn't mean to scare you, I just saw you on the floor and I...I thought you wanted someone to talk to, you seemed, sad"

As the stranger got up, Daniel realised this person was not completely human. For one thing, she had ears and a tail, second of all, she had a crown on their head balancing delicately behind the ears.

Just what and who was this person?

She gave him her name and asked for his, he stayed silent. So she decided to sit on the floor opposite him, knees folded under her chin and looking at him with genuine fascination.

"I'm guessing you come here a lot? I've noticed you a while ago but stayed silent because I didn't want to interrupt your private time, but then I saw you get sad" her ears dipped slightly at the thought "no one should be sad"

Was this human/creature crazy or something? Or was she malfunctioning android that some human wanted for their twisted fantasy?

"Do you have a name? Seems wrong to just call you Sir or Mr"

"It's Daniel" he stated, not looking at the...whatever they were in the eye.

"Daniel? That's a nice name" she smiled.

Weird person.

"Why are you sad?" she asked again.

"Can't you bother someone else?"

"There's only you and me here, silly"

Daniel almost copied the 'eye roll' method he had seen humans do when they were annoyed with someone/something.

Silence once again, and Daniel closed his eyes trying to sort out his data and memory banks, until the weird creature decided to speak again. This time with the boards creaking under her feet.

Detroit Become Human: One-shots (requests on hold)Where stories live. Discover now