Markus x reader 2/2

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Sorry if this is a bit too cheesy, ran out of ideas, also this can go two ways, platonic or the start of something more.

It had been awkward at first because I didn't want to pry into his past, but as soon as we entered the room we would be staying in, it wasn't anything too fancy, but there was enough decoration and some real books to make the place look a little, homey I guess.

We had just walked into the main room/living room and on my left was a decent size kitchen, then on the right was a hallway which I guessed had the bedrooms, did androids even need sleep?

I didn't realise Markus was behind me until he spoke "I know humans require food, so I made sure the rooms had enough food to last the week, as we are unsure of what you humans like or have any allergies, we got foods that would be healthy but nothing that would be possible for you to have an allergic reaction to"

I went to the fridge and cabinets and saw all the food in them, I couldn't help but whistle in surprise and impressed that he and the androids did this "no offence Markus, but I thought we were supposed to be bonding"

"We are, but I know that it would have been impossible for you to carry any food with you to get here, I believe this is what you humans call 'room mates' where you would both split the jobs around the house/apartment, one would get the food and other necessities and the other would help clean around the house"

"Well you aren't wrong there, but even before you androids were thought and created, people were still lazy and would try to manipulate their room mate into cleaning and doing all the work themselves while they went out and got drunk off their backside" I closed the cupboard and fridge before turning him "I know androids don't need food, but how exactly do you function, surely there must be something running through your, uh, wires?" Gosh I hope he doesn't think I'm trying to be rude "that makes you move, er, function?"

Markus chuckled, wow "androids are made up of not just wires, but also biocomponants that are, similar to how your organs help your body, a pump regulator is required to pump and stabilise the Thirium around our bodies (if I remember correctly), similar to how your heart would pump blood around your body"

He began to go into a more thorough detail of how their bodies work, but all I could hear was nonsense.

"Uh Markus" I politely interrupted him "I don't mean any disrespect but, I had no idea what you were talking about, you kind of lost me after the heart thing"

Markus frowned "oh"

"Don't get me wrong I would have loved to listen to it but, I'm not exactly a technician and it sounded like you were throwing random words at me"

"Ah yes, I forgot that not all humans can understand the, technical terms of how we are made, as you have stated you are not a scientist"

I nervously chuckled, I'm guessing he was okay with it, now to try and-

"Considering the stress you have just gone through, you should probably get some rest, if you want to that is"

I nod my head slightly "yeah, you might be right, I'm still feeling dizzy"

"It just down that hall" he pointed the hallway I had seen when entering this place "pick any room you want, bathroom is down that hall as well"

I nod again "thank you, erm, just to give you a warning, I tend to be a bit grumpy in the morning whether its a nap or not, so I apoligise in advance if I-" I trailed off.

"You are, not a morning person?" it almost sounded as if Markus was trying to find the correct words to ask.

None the less, I nod again "yeah, people say I try to bite their heads off because I look so irritated and end up taking my anger out on them, not deliberately though" I hope this doesn't change anything, we are making such good progress already.

I noticed Markus' eyes looked dazed for a moment before he responded "thank you, for telling me that, I will be sure not to disturb you until you have, woken up"

"Thank you" I muttered before walking off with my bag behind me "I'll see you in a few hours, hopefully"

And with that, I made my way to the bathroom and did my business, then I changed into my pyjamas before making my way into my new bedroom for the week, I was too stressed and mentally tired to realise I had left my bag in the bathroom.

Markus had been reading a book that Carl had given him, when he heard the sound of footsteps being dragged on the floor, followed by the sound of a door being opened and slammed, ah, so they were awake and the 'anger' was being shown, as he had been unsure of when his room mate was waking up, he thought it would be best to leave everything on the counter that a human would need to prepare a drink, at least this way they wouldn't be more angry when they couldn't find anything.

It sounded like a good idea at the time, and judging from the huffing sound coming from the humans mouth as they made their drink, he could say that it was certainly a good idea, and he was doing something nice without looking like he was a servant.

He even waited a good hour for the drink to take effect to say something, only to stop when he heard his room mate murmur a quick 'thank you, even though you didn't need to do that'

"I was simply making it easier for you to find things, it was a good thing I did since you looked incredibly groggy"

They placed a hand on his shoulder and slightly squeezed "it's the thought that counts, you may not be a servant, but that doesn't mean you can't help from time to time, as we said before, split the work to make things easier"

Markus nodded while feeling slightly uncomfortable with the hand before it left, the only one he remembered doing that was Carl. The thought of that man nearly made him cry.

They stayed silent for a while, but the atmosphere was comforting

(The day before they leave)

Markus liked to think everything had been going well, they had bonded well, hung out with some of the other room mates and they both got to know each other better. But he never spoke of Carl directly, just that he once had an owner who treated him as an equal.

He didn't even realise that he was tearing up.

"Woah, Markus, buddy, are you alright?"

Markus blinked and noticed that his vision was slightly blurred, he touched his cheek and realised that he was in fact, crying? Yes this was crying, but why?

"Carl" why did he mutter that word?

He didn't realise until too late that his room mate was now sitting on the sofa next to him and had placed their cup on the table before wrapping their arms around him, he stayed completely motionless as he silently cried, no sound, no words came out out his mouth.

"Let it out, its not healthy to bottle everything in, trust me"

Markus gripped onto their arm and leaned into their shoulder as he allowed the tears to fall, his pain for the loss of his dad, the androids who fell during his peaceful protest, the loss of both his homes, he let it all out without a sound.

The human continued to hold him while rubbing Markus' back, they weren't surprised that this happened, it was probably the first time the guy felt safe without the worry of his people safety, he needed this more than anything.

"He was my dad, I loved him more than anything" Markus mumbled "he was the only one who treated me like a human, why did he have to leave?"

"Humans are weak and fragile machines" was all the human said "your safe now though, don't dwell on the past for long, trust me on that"

Markus chuckled weakly, those were almost the same words Carl had told him.

He was surprised when he felt the human kiss him on the cheek.

Maybe, just maybe, things will work out.

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