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    | disney ; chapter one |


"good morning, lukey," calum shook my shoulders, waking me from my comfy sleep. "get up, get up."

"five more minutes, please," i groaned.

"no," he answered. "up, now."

i groaned and rolled out of bed.

"it's like..." i glanced at the clock. "5:13?!"

"yeah," he chuckled, scratching the back of his neck. "we're going somewhere."

- -

"where the serious fuck are we going?" i groaned.

calum woke me up at 5, they made me dress up fast, i haven't eaten my breakfast yet, and now, we're driving around town.

"just wait and you'll see," michael smirked.

i groaned once again and closed my eyes. what do you expect? i'm not a morning person. i often wake up at around 12 pm.

after a few minutes, ashton, our designated driver, parked at the mall's open parking lot.

ohmygoodness, don't tell me we're ...

"welcome to the mall!" calum greeted.

"don't tell me we're go-" i was cut off by ashton, pulling on my wrist, leading me inside the mall.

"yes, we're going shopping," he pushed the door open. "now, quit your groaning."

"but the mall won't open until 9 am," i argued. it was true, though. it usually opens at 10 on weekdays and 9 on weekends.

"that, my friend, is true," ashton laughed. "matt gave us dep store passes so we'll be allowed inside by 7."

"but, it's just 6:15-ish," i pulled my wrist away from ashton's grasp.

"can you just shut up and go with the flow?" michael groaned.

"how can i shut up and go with the flow when i know that you planned something without asking my opinion or atleast letting me know about it?" i raised my eyebrows.

"god, lucas," ashton ran a hand through his hair. "we're just going to buy new shirts. you sound like a girl on her period."

i rolled my eyes and scoffed while calum and michael tried to hold their laughter back by biting their lower lips.

"can we get mcdonald's first?" i asked.

- -

"what are the shirts for?" i asked, pushing mine and calum's shared cart.

"duh?" he chuckled.

"i'm serious," i continued shuffling through racks before pushing the cart forward. "i still have a shit ton of shirts i haven't worn yet."

"actually, you- we don't" he stated as-a-matter-of-factly.

"so, what are they for? what are we exactly looking for?"

"the tour," he answered and a lot of ideas about the tour started to swarm my mind - the places we'll get to visit, the songs we'll sing, people we'll meet.

"hello?" calum waved his arms in front of my face. "earth to lucas?"

"luke," i corrected. "stop calling me lucas."

"god, you're so whiny." he said before turning around to shuffle through a rack.


lucas u wHINY TWAT

if you didn't get it, they were basically told to go buy things they wanted to wear during the tour

i swear the story will get better after a couple of chapters

bear with me please

ily all c:

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