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     | disney ; chapter ten |


ecstatic is understatement to describe how i'm feeling right now. today is probably the day wherein i'm most excited about. announcements being thrown at our fans all in just a day.

we personally wanted to continue the livestream just like good old times, but the management had something else planned. sometimes, i feel like we're just puppets being controlled by rich people. d'you get me?

i shake my thoughts away and lazily prepared for an interview. if i'm not mistaken, we have four interviews all in just six hours.

on the bright side, we'll have a week-long break before the tour rehearsals officially start. that means i can spend more time talking with belle.

that's right. i've been talking with belle, as well as the other boys are doing. we've visited the orphanage (more times than expected) as an excuse to see the girls.

michael was the first one to make a move towards one of the girls - aurora.  i guess nothing can stop that dude from flirting with girls who has cool-ass hair.

then, calum, as the awkward guy he is, made a move towards jasmine through michael. it seems funny but it's actually cute.

now, ashton, i don't know when cindy and him started talking. i just saw them with two kids (each clinging to their hands for dear life) while walking around the orphanage's mini playground/park.

don't get me started with belle. i wasn't really planning on talking to her soon but then princess thea insisted that i accompany belle in getting her a cup of her favorite ice cream. little cupid that she is.


"so, why are you here?" belle asked with flushed cheeks. "don't you have a busy day ahead?"

belle and i are currently sprawled out on the grass, a nearby tree giving us shed from the sun.

"you watched the livestream?!" my eyes widened at the realization, laughing shortly after.

"all four of us watched it," she answered with a warm smile. "so, tour film, huh?"


"what's it like?" she leaned her head on my shoulder. i was slightly taken aback by her actions but soon eased into position.

"the tour film? it's hella cool. there's this part where we-"

"no, i mean being famous. everybody knowing you, being rich," she shrugged.

"oh," what does that mean? "well, you can get mobbed but i don't find that much of a big deal, and you can buy almost anything you want. it's just that, you're not free to do everything. when you're on break, probably, but not everyday. it sucks."

"have you ever regretted this? being famous?"

"honestly, sometimes, yes," i sighed. "you just have to live with the cons,"

"and i thought being rich and famous was awesome af," she frowned.


"as fuck," she giggled. "you don't know that?"

"i don't know that," i laughed. "af, huh?"

"af," she nodded.


"af," she giggled. oh, i know what this is.

"maybe af will be our always," woop, there it goes.



i just wanted to update bc it's been a month

so the boys have been flirting with the babes (flirting with the babes? srsly)((that was lame))

but on a more serious note, i wrote that last part based on michael being mobbed. it was horrible (coming from a concerned fan) but michael was trying to take pics with the girls and he was rlly nice and he just kept on smiling aw #michaelisagoodnoodle

anyhow, i hope you like this tho it was rlly lame

don't forget to vote/comment :)


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