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     | disney ; chapter eight |


"matt, it's 4 am, why the hell are you calling me?" i groaned.

"wake the boys up for an emergency band meeting. we're releasing it." my eyes widened and i immediately shuffled out of bed.

"emergency band meeting! emergency band meeting!" i yelled, knocking on the boys' room doors.

the sun hasn't fully risen, yet my blood is rushing excitedly through my veins. this is it.

"what is it?" michael groaned, ruffling his red hair as we all gathered in the main lounge.

"matt called me not long ago and he told me that it's time." i announced and they seemed to have the same reaction as i did.

"when are we officially going to tell them?" calum inquired.

"that, i don't know. let me call matt," i quickly dialed matt's number. "so, what now?"

"i'm coming over in thirty. you can have breakfast first."


"i am so excited!" michael squealed as ashton distributed the cereal bowls.

"i think everyone here is," calum agreed. "and soon, the whole world."

during breakfast, we discussed a few things regarding the upcoming world tour and some stuff  which made us more elated, if possible.

not a few mimutes after we've cleared the table, matt barged in the room and our eyes lit up like the trees during Christmas time.

this. is. it.

a/n: this is v short, i know. you'll get another update soon, elaborating it

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