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Prilly Latuconsina as Prilly

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Prilly Latuconsina as Prilly.

Prilly Latuconsina as Prilly

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Aliando Syarief as Ali.

Papa Ayi and Mama Piyi

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Papa Ayi and Mama Piyi.

Papa Ayi and Mama Piyi

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Marziaimani as Aletha.

Marziaimani as Aletha

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Xabiru as Ale.

Kakak Aletha with Adek Ale

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Kakak Aletha with Adek Ale.
(anggap sama biru)

(anggap sama biru)

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Andira as Silvia.

Andira as Silvia

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Rizky as Nathan.

Aunty Silvia dan Uncle Nathan

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Aunty Silvia dan Uncle Nathan.

Aunty Silvia dan Uncle Nathan

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Bajaalatas as Baja.


Maaf ya, kalau ceritanya makin ngga jelas. yang pasti kalian harus pantengin terus.

luv u.

-dari saya yang sedang merindu.hehe.

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