Chapter 4: A Path to Remember✅

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The night silence shadowed every thing but sound of rushing water, below the bridge where they talked, far outside the city. A few feet away from each other they stood, staring into the darkness across the bridge.

Occasionally a patrol team would pass with their torches, but won't ask any questions, Rather they seeing it was a black cape(fang) standing there alongside a commoner, they slammed their fists against their chests, and bowed in salute then moved on. Rava had explained to kelvin that he wasn't wanted for trouble at the castle in Strolgar, but for something else, something relating to his line of work, but when he asked, Rava always said it was classified.

If there was something kelvin knew the Nobles for, it was their treachery, for all he knew, the king could want him to take a dirty job and have him hang at the gallows for it. He didn't like the idea of going down to Strolgar to see the king, but he knew he was running out of options, he couldn't keep escaping the guards forever, and besides doing that would only put his aunt in further danger. Rava had also told him earlier that he went to talk to the king not to try to bring him in by force, but to allow him to go discuss with him. Turning down this option therefore would prove futile.

"okay, we'll ride to the castle tomorrow at first light" he said, finally breaking the dead silence. "for now, i need to take a long rest, ahead of my first encounter with your king"

"our king" Rava interrupted.

"whatever" he said tailing off to the end of the bridge.

. The ride to the castle in the morning was more of a racing competition than anything else. They rode as fast as they could, overtaking patrol units, running into and out of village's along the farm lands until strolgar loomed into view, the sunrise there in Vrohengard was said to be the best in the land, it always brought out the beauty of the elevated City and its castle, every morning and even better in the evenings.

Kelvin slowed down for Rava to catch up as they approached the gate, wanting to enjoy the view of the glorious city, a little before going in and partly to avoid trouble at the gate. Before long they were through the gate and rode fast along the road that led to the castle, their horses galloped down the road with anxiety at the smoothness of the ground and the space it offered them, unlike those in the slums.

Kelvin's reluctance began to build as the castle began to increase in size before him, worsening even after they rode past the Academy. He always dreaded the day he would come back here and here it was, he struggled to concentrate as memories, stormed through his head. He wasn't conscious of his environment even when he got to the gate. It was the Guards that marched at the gate that caught his eyes, bringing him back to the present.

The guards at the gate, stood extremely still, except for their capes that was ferried up and and down by the wind. The castle walls stood over fifty feet high, a thick black iron gate stood between the meeting point of the wall. arranged in the battlements above the wall and the gates were archers and spearmen, all straight faced, in radiant uniforms. He was still admiring the strength of the defence when Rava's voice interrupted him.

"you ready?"

"sure, why not" he responded absent mindedly, catching a glimplse of the distinguished sigil on Rava's armor. It seemed golden while the other black cape's were silver. "are there different levels of black capes too?" he asked, stunned by this new discovery.

"I'll explain later just..."

"who wishes to enter" a soldier yelled from the battlements.

"Rava Brundt , squad six Archer of the Fang regiment , on an appointment with the king" he yelled in response. After which there was silence for about the space of a minute and half.

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