Chapter 50: Dead Walkers

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                                                They were still packing up from practice when Levi's horse galloped in from the ruins.  He jumped off it, and ran straight for the church yelling "bandits "  on top of his voice. They increased their speed in packing up and disappeared into the church,  waiting by the windows for the bandits to show up.  For a few minutes,  nothing happened.  All was clear... So clear they began to doubt Levi's information.

Then suddenly horses began to loom into view and a number of robbers on foot,  heading straight for the church.
As if knowing what was on their mind, Dorian asked to speak with them first,  not wanting blood shed in his surroundings. Kelvin resisted him at first,  but he insisted,  so they let him,  shutting the door behind him.
They had the opportunity to number them from the windows,  numbering over twenty heavily armed, archers behind,  the sign that there cannot but be casualties.

The leader of  the bandits alighted from his horse and walked up to the priest standing in front of the church.
"any thing for the servants of the Lord? "    he mocked,  standing confidently before,  and  drawing his long beard.
"you know well the situation of things around here"  Dorian replied
"wrong answer "   he laughed.
At this point he looked down and noticed the dozens of footprints in the snow. He drew out his sword,  and began to examine the tracks.  Just then Dru came out of the stables growling and barking loudly.

The bandit stared at it with amusement for a bit,  and then smiled looking back at Dorian.
"what an interesting turn of events "
" you seem to have gotten more members,  or guests permit me to say" he began
"i have no idea what you're talking about " Dorian cut in
"okay,  let's make this easier for us both, bring out your guests  or you burn with them" he barked
"I'm afraid I can't do that " Dorian retorted. Looking back at the windows, with a face that sent a distress signal to them.
" then I'll start with you " the bandit said putting his sword on Dorian's neck.
" okay fine " Dorian Said raising his hands above his head"  you asked for it.

                                 Aureathria immediately nocked an arrow and aimed at the bandit in the distance.
Levi from the other window, raised his hands to halt her.  For a second he thought she obeyed,  but then his gaze landed on her retina looking in his direction,  but her stance still showed that she was aiming out the window. It slowly dawned on him that it was a glare, and he dropped his hand in like manner. Then her retina returned forward,  and she added more power to her pull on the bow.
She shot through the glass,  and got him in the neck. The bandits scrambled at first,  buying Dorian enough time to return into the church.

                               Aureathria gave Kelvin a nod,  they both jumped out and began making rapid fires at the archers behind.  Ivan and Rava joined too. Being the only other two archers left.
Levi drew his sword and led the charge out as the others followed after him.
Immediately all the bandits that wielded bows were dropped  Kelvin and Aureathria drew their swords and joined the battle,  fighting back to back.

With her twin swords,  she got one in the back and drew him to herself as a body shield to block an attack. After which she retrieved the blade and slashed the other attacker by the neck.  She saw Kelvin throw one over and plant his sword in his chest,  but there was another coming from his blind spot.  She immediately hurled her other sword at him,  but it was bad luck for him, Kelvin had seen  him too, and stretched his other arm to him,  releasing the blade from his arm guards,  the bandit caught both blades in the chest and fell to the earth.
Kelvin pulled out her sword and handed it back to her,  before continuing.

                               Levi on the other hand had a pile of bodies around him,  not giving any one he met the pleasure of lifting their weapons, till his sword got knocked off, forcing him to switch to another. . Vulcan suffered  a cut, and Mia too,  but it was of minimal effect.  Marcus went for the horse riders  and brought them down with his long sword without much of a problem,  sometimes he had to pull a really high jump to knock the rider off,  but i was always worth it.

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