Chapter 41: Wanted

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                                Kelvin wandered through the lousy streets of the village that night, trying to locate Randalls place, probably a blacksmiths forge. He asked a couple of villagers along the way, but nobody seemed to know any Randall. He saw some of his colleagues hanging around the village, but walked quietly past them, not wanting any distractions. It wasn't surprising that the old blacksmith, would be invisible to the rest of the village. All he had to do was look closely and he would figure it out, and he knew exactly where to start looking.
He waked over to the fence he and Edda had been the whole day, then traced the spot where Randall had stood, luckily for him, it was a lonely terrain, so the prints weren't completely scattered. He followed it all the way till he came to a cross road, where the tracks neither went left nor right. He cursed under his breath, and pulled off his hood to get some air. He inhaled quite an amount of the fresh air the winds pushed to him, then he caught something between. A familiar scent, a scent that reminded him of his time at Eldor. A familiar company he used to keep, at the blacksmiths workshop. He knew Randall was close.

                             He stepped into the woods and began to push through the trees and shrubs for a about a hundred meters, then a little cabin loomed into view. Of course, the ideal place for a fugitive to be, away from all living and breathing things. The house had no lights in it, but that wasn't a signal that no one was home, it could be another tactic to ward outsiders off. He stepped into the clearing cautiously, advanced towards the house and knocked.
"Not a step further " Randall's voice sounded from behind
" you move... And ill put a bolt in your heart " he added.
Kelvin raised his hands up to"  its me man... What the hell"
Randall dropped his aim slowly as he heard the voice.
"be louder next time, your movement was like one who was sent after my life "
"why would i knock if i wanted to kill you " Kelvin turned, amazed with the old mans level of paranoia

" come on in,  it's not safe out here" he said beckoning to Kelvin to follow him. They went round,  the went into another part of the clearing that had a wall covered in green plants,  until Randall pressed his hand on something that appeared to be a handle and a door opened inward. Kelvin looked back at the cabin and then at the door before them in disbelief. Whatever Randall was talking about was a serious problem for him to have resorted to such defensive measures. He walked cautiously into the dark room while the old man shut the door behind him.

"what is going on"     Kelvin asked as Randall lit a match,  but the old man ignored his question. And went straight to the fire place where a kettle was hanging.
"tea? " he asked kindling a fire.
From the heat and stench of the room Kelvin could tell that a fire was recently put out. The moment the light came up he spotted  a table between two chairs at a corner to his side, and took a seat.
Randall filled two cups, handed one to him and took a seat.
On the table sat a drawing of a type of gauntlet.  But Kelvin attention didn't dwell on it for too long.

"you mind sharing what it is you're running from"  Kelvin asked again... Setting his cup down... 
" no need to be in a haste drink up"    Randall replied continuing with his tea.
Kelvin watched him finish his, then braced himself for Randall's words, but the old man picked up the kettle and began to pour himself another cup.
Kelvin was patient,  he let him have his fill of the drink, but the old man went for another refill.
"As patient as always... i see" he said after dropping his third cup and cleaning his beard off the little droplets Trapped there.
"keep it up...  You're going to need it "

" what happened at Eldor"
"Duncan happened "
" what do you mean Duncan happened " Kelvin asked
"  he took everything, killed and razed every thing that had to do with Avidia"
"why would he do that...  We had a strong working relationship"
"relationship? " Randall asked raising an eyebrow.
" we we're just puppets in that boys hand,  he used us and is now trying to get rid of us all"
"but how did he penetrate the castle "
" they had someone on the inside,  a fine assassin,  he took up marks like you did...  Goes by  the name of Eruwine"
Kelvin froze..  He knew he had heard the name somewhere,  he couldn't just remember at the moment.
"this same guy rose thorough the ranks just like you but no one knew he was working for that...that... Bastard"
"calm down " Kelvin cautioned, noticing his voice was getting louder than normal.
" every thing you said " Kelvin asked  " including the Freeborn trainees? "
Randall raised an eye brow at him,  annoyed by the rhetorical question
Kelvin sank back into the chair when he got the message.

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