Chapter 16: Doubts and Fears ✅

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The downpour was heavier at the early hours of the evening than at late night, giving a uniform pelting sound as the water droplets bounced on the stoned streets and roof tops, but was slowly reducing its intensity before midnight. The recon squad hung sparsely around the hall, contemplating on what step to take next, they practically had two choices, to sit and do nothing while the kreiger blew their cover or stopped his operation before he made matters worse.

Though there was a high chance that they could do a lot more damage than necessary if they encountered him. It was a loose - loose scenario just only a matter of time. If one bomb doesn't go off, the other will and trying to stop it would reduce the time frame. Move or stay it was, no middle ground, and doing nothing was the same thing as the latter

"Kelvin!" Vulcan called. "you're the only one who hasn't made a contribution so far.

"Is everything alright?" he asked.

"yea. " Kelvin said softly.

"you sure?" Rava chipped in.

"yea sure." he said looking away.

"there's something you aren't saying Kelvin, i know better when you wear that look." Rava said.

Kelvin exhaled, as he pulled himself from his ocean of thoughts "we have to leave today, no matter what."

"That's out of the question " Carina replied replied

" I thought you might say that"  kelvin whiphered and retreated back to his silence.

"why?" Vulcan asked, with a voice that sounded really high pitched, the rest of the squad had their attention drawn them instantly.

"I mean its obvious, even if Levi doesn't blow our cover, Eruwine will. "

"who ?" Mia asked.

Kelvin deliberately mentioned his name, knowing full well that Edda held on to that knowledge as leverage against him, and that wouldn't do him a lot of good so he continued on, confidently

"that's the name of the Kreiger here in Blackheath." Edda replied, turning a chair around. She sat facing the backrest of the chair.

"trust me this guy is bad news. " Kelvin warned. "he knows his way around this city, the Kriegers have a network of spies in every city, so he'll be gone before they even know he's done it, and that would leave us the targets."
"no wonder he told you to leave " Edda said... Little above a whispher.
" You guys met the Krieger" Rava asked
Edda pointed subtly to Kelvin, who only gave an acknowledging nod in response.
"But why would a Krieger tell you his intentions"
Gaitan asked
Edda fastened her eyes on kelvin immediately the question was asked, curious to know what his response would be.

"He knew we were strangers as well, probably gave us the tip from the good of his heart" kelvin said looking at Edda, who knew he had lied, and could see the look of suspicion growing on her face, but to his surprise, she didn't object, which made him wonder the more, what was going on in her mind.

"So what you're saying is we have a killer with a good heart running around the city as we speak, something about this story doesn't add up" Carina chipped in

"if that's the case we need to move now." Rava said seeming deep in thoughts

"we cannot leave Ivan and Levi behind, if they are found, it could mean war." Kelvin said wiping the sweat off his temple.

"I know every second we spend here is dangerous but lets give them till first light." Edda proposed.

The larger portion of seemed comfortable with the idea, forcing the others to agree reluctantly, so stayed in the hall, not wanting be caught sleeping by any imminent danger.

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