ᑕᕼᗩᑭTᗴᖇ TᗯO

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"Akito! That's enough!" All Might demanded over the intercom. My rage filled eyes glared at Bakugo who was struggling to hold his breath any longer. I wanted him to regret what he said. This should teach him never to talk shit about my parents again. He'll never know the pain of losing someone you loved the most.

The hero course is participating in a test having to do with one team acting as the villain and the other as hero. All we had to do was touch the bomb the villans had in their possession which in my case Bakugo and Iida, or wrap white tape around them. That was all we had to do.

"The heroes win this round!"

After coming to my senses, I had realized I was drowning my classmate. In pure shock, I released Bakugo and watched as he fell to the ground. He gasped for air as he coughed up water, holding his hand to his throat in the process. A freezing chill gusted through the hallway making me turn toward the directing in which it came. Todoroki walked out of the darkness, his eyes boring into mine, "You did this?" I avoided his gaze, my eyes looking down at my shoes as if the plain old colors were something worth my interest. "I-" He shook his head at me not wanting to hear my response. He didn't need to say anything to me. I already had gotten the idea.

With that, he walked away along with the rest of the class and left me behind. I stared at my feet with tears threatening to fall. All Might walked up to me and put his hand on my shoulder. I couldn't even look at him. How could I? He cleared his throat and turned me to face him. "What did he say to you? There must've been something he did or said to make you act that way." I looked at my hands as they slightly shook. "It doesn't matter what he said...nothing should. I can't keep letting this happen. It's just still hard for me. It's been years since they died but it feels like yesterday. My emotions still feel so fresh. I'm sorry. It won't happen again." Of course I felt guilty, who wouldn't be. My image as the number one hero's daughter shouldn't be an out of control hot head with the intent to harm others.

All Might smiled proudly at me. "Everything is going to be okay. I'm proud that you understand your mistake and wish to fix it."

I sighed and started to walk out of the building with him following behind me. "It's time for lunch. I will apologize to him there. And if he doesn't accept my apology I'll just kill him." All Might laughed at my response as we made it back into the school. "You're kidding right?"

"I'm not even going to answer that..."


"Akito, we saw what happened. Is everything okay?" Hagakure asked. My eyes glanced at Bakugo who was eating his food with his small group of friends. A frown came to my face. Mina saw my guilt washed expression and rubbed my back to comfort me. "Hey, everything is going to be okay. Bakugo is a hot head to begin with, he should just learn to shut his mouth." Everyone agreed with her in that besides me.

"Even so...I shouldn't have done what I did to him. Even if he is a jerk." Uraraka agreed with what I had to say. "Akito is right. Think about it this way, she has a lot of more important things that reflects everything she does. She's a celebrity remember? It's not like she can do or say whatever she pleases in public, think of it as keeping a positive image. But no matter what, we're on your side. Do what you believe is right okay?"

I smiled at her kind words because she put it in such a mature way. "Thank you Uraraka, she's right guys. I'm going to go over there and make a sincere apology. That is the only way I'm going to fix this." Momo held both of my hands in hers with teary eyes. "We're all rooting for you Akito!" Everyone else nodded which gave me the courage I needed to get up and walk over to his table. Once I got closer to him, my nerves were starting to wrack.

What if he doesn't accept it?

Will he start rumors about me?

He's going to hate me now.

Everyone was staring at me now. My palms were starting to sweat, and my heartbeat was becoming faster and faster. The anxiety I was feeling was hardcore and I hated it. Before I knew it, I was standing right infront of him, and he was glaring right through me. "What do you want?" He spat. "Kachan be nice." Midoriya tried. "Shut the fuck up weirdo." Well he definitely did. I cleared my throat and swallowed the lump that was stuck in it. "Listen...about earlier...I'm sorry. I was in the wrong. I take full responsibility for my actions." I said softly, slightly bowing my head to him.

For some reason he looked even more pissed than before. Did I say something wrong? Why is he so angry? He looked like a ticking time bomb—"Don't you dare apologize to me! You're nothing but a weakling! Don't even think for a second that I'm gonna suck up to you just because dear old dad is All Might! If you're so damn sorry then stay the hell out of my way!"

I flinched at his hateful words and stepped back from him. "Dude chill, she said she was sorry. You don't have to yell at her like that man." Kirishima contested. "Shut up stupid hair!"

Oh no.

Here it comes.

My eyes glazed over with fresh tears until they were filled to the brim. My nose began to run and my throat felt sore. And before I knew it, I began to cry. He has a point no question. But I never thought how hurtful his tone was, and how much his words would affect me. This usually doesn't happen, but for some odd reason it did. At this point the entier cafeteria was already not minding their own business and heard the entier conversation. Whispers could be heard and I could see other students who had their phone out recording the entier altercation.

"Wow what a total jerk."

"She said she was sorry."

"Look he made her cry, what an asshole."

"Isn't that Akito? Why would he say that?"

I couldn't help myself from crying. It all just started flooding out like a river. Though I tried to keep my whimpers down I covered my eyes with my fist, attempting to wipe away my tears. Mina ran over to me where the other girls followed and blocked any camera view against me. "Akito, please don't cry. You apologized to him and that's all that matters."

"What heck is your problem jerk?! All you had to do what accept her apology and move on!" Hagakure yelled. Now Bakugo was in a bit of a pinch. Everyone saw what happened and everyone is on my side. But I don't want others to hate him. I attempted to stop crying and pushed past my classmates. "Stop. I don't want anyone to discriminate him because of this. He has every right to be mad and I don't blame him for what he said. Just leave it alone at that okay? I don't want this to be any bigger than what it is." Bakugo avoided my gaze and stood up from his seat. "Tch, okay whatever. I forgive you and your damn apology."

Even though what he said was still a bit harsh, I accepted it with a smile. "Thank you..."

"She's so amazing."

"So mature."

"I feel bad for her, she's such a great person. How could anyone speak to Akito like that?"

I can't stop rumors from spreading. And I can't stop people from doing what they want. But I won't hate Bakugo, if this is the person he is, then why hate him for it? I don't know him very well, there could be a reason for the way he acts. Well I've got all year to figure that out. But as of right now, I'll just let it play out.


"I don't want him to get in trouble. Don't punish him please. It was my fault after all." Principal Nezu folded his little hands over his unnecessarily large desk and frowned. "I understand that Miss Asahina, but take into consideration if this goes unpunished, others will think it's okay to act the same way to others." I clenched the hem of my skirt in frustration. "I know that. But still, I did almost kill him. Any longer and he would have drowned. If anything, I should be punished not him. Nobody even knows the entier story. I lost my temper and chose to do what I did. Nothing more and nothing less."

I started to shake my leg mid-sentence and grit my teeth. I don't want there to be a problem, that's what I'm afraid of right now. Nezu sighed but smiled at me. "You're a very considerate girl. I'll makes sure he gets off the hook with a punishment that isn't too harsh."

"But—no buts," He interrupted, "I understand you want to protect your classmate but instigating a fight with another student with something as personal as deceased family members is unacceptable." 

I couldn't say anything after that. Principle Nezu is very intelligent, winning an argument against him is close to impossible. "Okay..."

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