ᑕᕼᗩᑭTᗴᖇ Tᕼᖇᗴᗴ

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A few days have passed and it seemed that the whole situation with Bakugo has slowly been swept under the rug. I try to avoid him the best I can, I don't want to provoke him anymore than what it looked like.

"Listen up, today we are going to the U.S.J. There, we will go through some training simulations and test just how much you all know how to react in different environments." Aizawa announced. The U.S.J stands for the Unforeseen Simulation Joint which is meant entirely to teach us the methods of disaster rescue since from the looks of it, many from this class will chose that path in their upcoming career.

I wonder what I should chose. Disaster rescue or braced combat. Fighting against villains like All-Might, or saving people from collateral damage. I have trained that way for many years. But what if disaster rescue is a better fit? I haven't really thought about it up until now.

"Akito? Hey we've been calling your name like a hundred times already!" Mina chirped. "Are you alright?" Momo asked me with a hand on my shoulder. My eyes flickered to hers as Aizawa instructed our class to get dressed in our own uniforms. "Yeah, I'm fine. I was just thinking." "Mr.Aizawa said for us to get dressed so we should get going." Ochako said. "Yeah let's go." I'll just focus on the present right now. There's no telling the future anyway.


My hero uniform was pretty simple but to my liking because I helped design it. The material had a thin silicone-like appearance that sticked to my skin as if it were apart of me. It was stretchy and durable. The colors on it matched my eyes, which were a clear blue a soft pink. I really liked how it felt, although it was a bitch to get on.

"Ah no fair! Akito you look so sexy in that suit! And your curves are just the cherry on top!" Mina whined while trying to get a closer "look". My curves are only like that because I had to model for Louis Vuitton. Technical starved me for days before the shoot. My body hasn't really been the same sense... I laughed awkwardly and made a bit of a run for it. "Alright I'll meet you guys at the bus! Bye!"


Wow, when did everyone already make their friend groups? They're all sitting with a classmate except me...

I continued down the isles of the bus searching for an open seat. After what felt like a few embarrassing minutes of searching, I came across one. But the person who was occupying a side was the last person I'd want to be near. Shoto Todoroki. He totally crushed my soul on the second day of school. More like an asshole if you ask me. But I decided to be civilized about all this and clear my throat. "Can I sit here?" I asked in a forced sweet girl tone. He looked at me staring his unique eyes into mine which successfully made my heart skip a beat, maybe out of the sharp gaze he had or me not being able to completely face him normally. He didn't speak but he shifted closer to the window so there would be more than enough room for me to sit comfortably.

That was nice of him. It was either him being nice or he just wanted to get as far away from me as he could without being rude about it...

I was almost late to school because my alarm clock died in the middle of the night, it was only thanks to me normally waking up early in the morning that I woke up later on. I had to do my makeup and hair in the bathroom at school. I mean, I don't necessarily wear a whole bunch of makeup. Only some lip gloss, mascara, and nude eye shadow. My skin is already pretty clear so no foundation, I wouldn't want to wear any in the first place because it makes me break out.

After Aizawa took role for the class, we go on with our trip. The moment the bus started, I put in my earbuds and played some soft pop music so I could take a short nap. Everytime I sleep, I dream of the same things. The memories of my parents. My dad was strict but he cares about our small family. My mother was a very kind person that would never grow upset or disappointed with me no matter what. She taught me how her quirk was used in the assumption I'd have a similar ability as hers. My mom was very unique, she was able to not just completely control the element of water and any liquid, but also make it into any shape she wanted, that goes for objects too, animate and inanimate. When I was in a bad mood or I'd cry for whatever reason, my mom would create little animals that would run all around me. Like bunnies, puppies, deer. You know, cute things.

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