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"The U.A festival?"

"Yes, it's to test who's the best hero in training at U.A."

"So if I win I'll be noticed by other hero agencies?"

"That about sums it up."

"That's pretty stupid. And plus it wouldn't be fair if I went because I have an extra quirk."

"That doesn't mean anything. If you want to be a hero then you need to attend."

"But I might destroy the whole arena. I can't go!"

"Think about what your mother would want. Your father even."

I glared angrily. "Don't mention my father to me All-Might."

Remebering that stupid conversation me and All Might had a few minutes ago is till flying around my head. Who does he think he is bringing my past into this? He's going to have to be real fancy if he wants me to speak to him after what he said. Tomorrow is the day of the U.A festival, where every U.A student will be attending to fight to the top.

I closed my eyes in stress sliding my classroom door open seeing class has already started without me. Aizawa put down his clip board, "Your tardy." I frowned running a hand through my long purple and pink hair. "I was in a meeting ." I mumbled. "That's no reason to be late. Take your seat." Aizawa said. I didn't react as a shadow covered my eyes. I walked to the back of the class and took my seat next Shoto. I silently look my notes until our lunch period still angry and stressed. When the bell rang I slowly packed my belongings being hopefully last to leave the room.

"Did something happen?" A voice said. I looked up and saw Shoto leaning against the wall near the doorway. I shook my head and stood up walking out of the opposite door closer to the back of the room. I'm afraid if I speak right now that I'll break down. What All-Might said about my mother, even my father about what they would think? He didn't know them like I did, he didn't know my mother, like I did. She had a heart of gold, she would always support my decisions because she knew I always thought through my decisions before making them. My father could care less, he only cared about me becoming stronger than any hero in the world, he never cared about me. For him to say my mother would argue with me is like saying he doesn't believe in me at all.

"Akito, is there something wrong? Your not acting like your usual self." Shoto said from behind me. I stopped walking turning towards him with teary eyes. "Please just leave me alone. I don't want to talk to you." He stopped walking as I ran down the hall outside of the building. I made invisible steps to the rooftop from the nearby clouds and sat down in a corner next to the water supply tin, curled up into a tight ball. "I hate everything," I said as tears began to drip onto my skirt. "Mom." I whispered to myself in a shaky voice.

Making me jump in suprise the rooftop door opened and footsteps neared me. "So your not ok then. Are you sick? You know there's a pressure point on your stomach if your feeling nau-Oh my God, shut up you idiot!" I yelled looking at him with tears still streaming from my eyes, "Do you not understand?! I'm upset and you say I'm sick?! Just go away!" Shoto was going to say something but stopped, deciding it was best I was left alone. "I brought you your lunch. You left it in the classroom."

When he left, I clenched my shirt over my heart. "My chest. How can he make my heart beat so fast? Just for being and idiot?"


Today is the day of the festival but I'm not feeling like myself at all. I feel like I'm coming down with the flu. My body aches all over.

After a short while my class arrived at the arena and went our separate ways after Aizawa gave us instructions on what to do when our class is announced. We have two and a half hours until we need to meet up for our entrance to the arena. I think it would be best if I would rest in recovery girls office.

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