ᕼᗴᖇO KIᒪᒪᗴᖇ Oᐯᗩ

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"It's been a while since I've seen the old man. I can't wait!" I exclaimed with joy, pressing my hands into my chest. Izuku gave me a curious looked carrying my luggage over to me.  "Akito, I'm guessing you know Gran Torino then?" My eyes lit up as we walked further into the train station. "He's technically my grandfather! Since he did teach All-Might when he was younger. And now he's gonna teach us." Izuku laughed awkwardly roaming his eyes elsewhere before I start to ramble on and on. "I-I'm gonna talk to Iida for a bit." He said getting away from me in a jiffy. What did I do this time? I sighed with a pout now becoming bored seeing the rest of the class arriving with their luggage aswell. I layed my eyes onto Shoto who had his back turned to me looking at the book he was reading. I giggled playfully as I snuck up on him with my hands ready to scare him. He still hasn't sensed me yet so I jumped on him with a smile. "My catch of the day!" I said happily seeing Shoto turn his head to me with a glare. A frown came to my lips getting off of him. "Your mean..." He sighed knocking me aside the head with the book he had in his hand. "You don't just jump on top of someone when they're off guard. I've told you this ten times already."  I puffed my cheeks pretending to be emotionally hurt as fake tears began to form in my eyes. "All I wanted was to say goodbye to my Romeo as we depart our separate ways forever!" He sighed running his hand through his red and white locks. "You mean for a week? And it's not forever idiot, and I'm not Romeo." I kissed his cheek with an innocent aura. "To me your my Romeo."

He slightly smiled placing his hand on my head as I admired the feeling. "Akito the train is going to leave soon!" Izuku yelled grabbing our luggage. I frowned, now feeling unhappy looking at Shoto. "Be safe ok?" He nodded as he lifted my bangs and kissed my forehead making my cheeks grow red. "I will. Don't do anything I wouldn't do ok? Promise." I smiled with a nod. "Ok, I promise."

Akito! Please if you can hear me you need to listen very carefully. Your friends are in danger. I can't tell you the details right now, but you must warn them! You can't go to Hosu!

And just then, a clear image of a scary looking villain that I have seen before showed in my mind. "No way."

My eyes widened as I began to shake in fear. "Who is this?" I whispered to myself. A hand was felt in my shoulder and I quickly turned around with fear in my eyes. When I saw it was just Izuku I relaxed taking a deep breath. I saw his worried face, "Are you ok Akito? You look a little shooken up." I shook my head and pushed his hand away, "I'm fine, let's go before the train leaves."


That voice...it sounded so familiar. What is going on? Why is someone trying to warn me about my friends. "Akito we're here. Are you sure your ok?" I grinned slightly, hiding the fact that I'm a bit scared and shooken up. "I was just thinking how All Might is going to hold up the fort while I'm gone. Because when I first started to live with him, his house was dirtier than Mineta's mind." He laughed as we stepped on the train.

I sat down on the seat and pulled put my phone pressing on Google. I typed in the search bar, "Villian wearing long worn out scarf dressed in red." I hit the search button and a picture of a man showed up. It was the same man in my vision. His name was 'The hero killer'. And his crime was killing many hero's in battle.

My eyes widened as I heald the phone tighter gritting my teeth. How could someone be so terrible?! Killing hero's? Why would anyone even take the liberty to do such a thing? Something isn't right. There is something bad that is going to happen. And I'm starting to believe that voice was right. I sighed with a yawn trying to get my mind off the whole idea seeing that we're not going to be at our destination for another 3 hours.


"This place is still here? I thought for sure gramps moved." I said walking up the steps to Gran Torino's house. I rang the doorbell taking a step back for a few seconds I waited there but there was no reply. Cautiously I opened the questionably unlocked door seeing Gran Torino on the floor in a pool of "blood". Izuku dropped our bags on the ground looking like he just saw a ghost. "He's dead!" That's what I said the first time I met this old fart. When he said that Gran Torino lifted his head with a smile. "Hiya!" I face palmed myself as Izuku squealed in surprise. "He's alive?!"  I sighed in embarrassment helping Gran Torino up from the ground. He smirked disappearing from the spot he was in faster than any regular person could see. Sensing his presence I quickly turned around grabbing his foot forcing him to stop. I winked at him as I threw him to the ground while he landed with a loud thud. He laughed easily getting back up from his position. "I see you still have perfect reflexes." I rolled my eyes making my way towards him. "I've been training more often than usual nowadays." Izuku butted in with a smile. "Sorry to interupt but, when are we going to start training?" I jerked me head towards him then back at the old man with an annoyed sigh. He laughed and disappeared once again with his speedy quirk. "Right now!"

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