ᑕᕼᗩᑭTᗴᖇ ᗴIᘜᕼᘜT

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"Akito you have to stay in bed, your are seriously injured. Even with my healing quirk, some of the damage done to your body could not be undone." Recovery girl said to me trying to lay me back down in my bed. I shook my head quietly asking where Shoto was. He is all I want to see right now, the feeling I get when I'm around him, when he speaks. Is like none other.

Recovery girl pointed to the room next to us with a sigh of defeat. "He should be resting in the next room to your left." I smiled to her even though I feel like I got ran over by a bus. I struggled to get up but managed with the help of my IV pole in which I tore out the IV only using it to guide me to his room.

With haste I opened his door meeting his with blue and brown eyes. His eyes widened and as did mine. It's strange how we both happened to be at the door at the same time. Was he coming to see me?

He gave me a worried look putting his hand on my shoulder. "Are you ok? Your not too hurt are you?" I frowned feeling my eyes begining to water. It was like I couldn't control my own emotions. I shook my head feeling my warm tears slide down my cheeks. "No. I'm not ok Shoto. I hurt all over."

He gave me a sullen look holding me to his chest as he pulled me inside his hospital room. He walked me to his bed cot with not leaving my side. "Your going to be ok Akito. I'm right here." I sniffed wiping away my tears. "What I said earlier. About having to tell you something." He nodded to me. "Yes, I remember." I shifted in my position holding my hands tightly together. I think it's best if my condition of my pain is kept a secret. The only way to stop my pain is to go the the source.

I slowly raised my hand to his cheek tracing the scare covering his right eye making him turn his attention towards me. I leaned in closer to him pushing him down on the bed straddling his waist. His eyes widened seeing the position we are in making his cheeks turn a light shade of pink. My leg was in between his and my hands were on each side of him as I spoke with a deep breath. "What I've wanted to tell you. What I have been dying to actually, is that...I have fallen deeply in love with you Shoto."

His eyes widened staring into my mine seeing that I was serious with my confession. His face began to rise in temperature not knowing how to reply to me. A frown made it's way to my lips taking this as a bad sign. "I-It's ok if you don't feel the same way. I-I'll leave you alone now if that is what you want-"

I could not believe my eyes, my senses. Shoto's lips were on mine. He was kissing me. This means he returns my feelings. I slowly closed my eyes, compleatly melting into the kiss with my heart beating a mile a minute. It felt like a story out of a fairytale book. He put his hand on my nape pushing me closer to him deepening our kiss. His tounge softly grazed my teeth as a request for entry. Getting pulled into his grasp I allowed him to french kiss me.

He slightly bit my bottom lip pulling on it as he flipped himself ontop of me. He kissed my neck trailing his tounge down to my collarbone. I squeezed the back of his shirt feeling his teeth biting down on it. I arched my back silently moaning as he left his mark on my. Once he did he stopped and planted a simple kiss on my lips.

"I've been waiting for you to say that for some time now. I don't know how you did it, but you have made me feel something I though I would never feel again...I love you aswell, Akito." He said placing his hand onto mine. I smiled with teary eyes sitting up on the bed with him. Hopefully after all this nothing will make me feel that same agonizing pain ever again. Well...at least not in this way but maybe another if you know what I mean. (⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)

I cleared my throat trying to clear the thick aroma with a little bit of humor. "Well, didn't that escalate quickly?" He laughed at my remark. "It did." I smiled and nudging his side with my elbow. "Since when did you know how to kiss like that? I thought you had no experience with this kind of stuff." He gave me an innocent look doll eyed look. "I don't." My face turned pink narrowing my eyes at him. "Seriously?! I had to practice kissing my own damn pillow to learn mpf~" Once again I was kissed by him but this time more gently than the last. I smiled as we parted. "Wouldn't it be a little awkward if we were to walk around as a couple?" He put a stray hair behind my ear shaking his head. "No it wouldn't. I don't see us as a couple being awkward at all. A-And also...you might want to pull up your shirt. Your undergarments are showing." I looked down to where he was looking away from and saw my shirt was unbuttoned showing my bra that had pink bunnies on it making it this situation one of the most embarrassing things ever. I quickly fastened the bottoms back up glaring him with a red face. Not hearing the door open I jumped onto him playfully strangling him shaking him up and down. "You disgusting sack of shit! I'm gonna kill you!-Um, Akito?" I stopped to my name turning toward the doorway still having my hands on Shoto's neck. It was Izuku standing at the door with a flustered expression. I smiled angrily, releasing Shoto from the grip I had on his neck. He tried to get up but I stopped him sitting on his torso. Hopefully I'm not suffocating him. Shoto got forced back down on the bed as I crossed my legs somehow balancing on him like some munk. "What can I do for you my child." I asked in a deeper voice. He laughed sheepishly fidgiting with his hands. "W-Were heading to the bus now. Aizawa-sensei asked me to get the both of you." I smiled standing up off of Shoto's chest. "Ok. Let's go." Once we made it out of the infirmary room I made a stop at Recovery girl's office. I slid her door open seeing her sitting in her office chair. She smiled to me pointing to the set of casual clothes sitting on my bed. "I see your feeling better yes?" I nodded with a smile. She sighed in relief. "When your mother had this, it too only lasted a few hours. I guess it runs in the family or something like that. I found some old clothes your mother lend to me back in the day. I don't know why she gave them to me but I think I know now. Try it on."

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