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The object of this test is to save a minimum of seven people to pass. All I have to do is check in since I already have the qualified amount to pass, but something tells me I should save a few more. So many professional hero industries are watching me.

"The map says there's one more in my area. All the way up there." I said to myself as my eyes looked all the way up to the tallest building in the arena.

"Please let there be an elevator."


I sprinted from door to door in search for the remaining person but couldn't find them yet. Catching me off guard, a familiar blue cape came into view from around the corner and I stopped as I attempted to catch my breath. "As expected. Of course you'd be the one I'd have to defeat." I furrowed my at them and started to back away. "I don't wish to fight you Inasa. We're supposed to protect the people from the villain remember?" Apparently he didn't care about that anymore. If there was any chance to beat me in something, this would be it. If he can get the final person to safety, he would have saved more people than me. Deeming him as number one. That's what this was all about. To him this was all a game of who gets the most points. Such childish thinking will make him fail.

Yoroashi took off his coat and started to crack his knuckles one by one. "Your in my way. In my eyes you're the villain and I'm the hero which means I have no voice but to defeat you." I glared daggers into his own and took a step back. "Your going to get your progress invalidated if you attack me. This isn't apart of the test." But my negotiations were no help. Matter of fact, I believe I had made things worse. The breeze in the hallway grew irregularly patterned and before I could do much, all of the windows shattered and powerful amounts of wind rushed in. My entire body was swept up into the air and slammed against the wall beside me. I gasped for air as the oxygen was being crushed out of my lungs. My head was no bleeding from impact and everything became hazy for a few moments.

Inasa wasted no time to attack me. A fist jolted to my face and I just barely dodged it. I fell over on my shoulder and quickly got up to run. He's not messing around. Spiraling wind raced up behind me and caught up too fast for me to evade. I was thrown out of the window and was now falling 26 stories to my doom. Though that's what anybody would think. Thankfully, today was a humid day, and I could use that to my advantage. I used my water quirk to create a playform to stop my from falling and I landed on it with a thud. My eyes scanned the building and saw Inasa flying toward me at an alarming speed. Using your quirk against another stupid when not permitted is against the rules. But they were broken once he attack me. And in my defense, he instigated it. "Stop being a coward and fight me!"


A shadow covered my eyes when he said that. I am everything but a coward. If it's a fight you want jerk, it's a fight you will get.

Using five percent of One for All, I collided fists with him and overpowered his physical strength two times over. He was propelled into the outside of the building and groaned in pain. Electric purple strands of One for All flowed through my veins and leaked from my body while I stared down on him. "I don't want to fight you. Stop being an idiot for once."

He laughed with blood dripping from his lips as he was levitating on the wind. "I used to think highly of you Asahina. Used to... maybe that boyfriend of yours has made you weak. How about we pay him a visit? Then you might give me your all—"

He was cut off by my fist against his face. "Shoto has nothing to do with this. I don't know exactly why you hate him, but threatening him isn't going to fly with me." Inasa's eyes widened, seeing my entire appearance change from my regular blue color, to a fiery red one. Looking into my eyes was like staring into the pits of hell. Being near me was like being on fire. His skin was burning just by being a few meters away. I leaped from the platform that was holding me up and landed on the solid ground. Once I did, the whole ground was covered in a thin sheet of ice. Inasa was confused at first and stayed that way until I executed my combo move. "Ice burn!" The force and heat from my fire quirk made the ice turn into fog making it impossible to see more than three inches infront of your face. I could hear him chuckle a few seconds later as he spoke. "What do you take me for? A weakling?!" Stronger than before gusts of winds blew away the thick fog from the area making everything visible again. It was that simple. This was to be expected, I actually don't know why I did that in the first place...

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