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"Because you know Mel would kick your ass." Derek's voice brought Jessie back to the present.  He stood up and put his hands on her shoulders to get her to stop pacing. The added, "I might as well even though I don't hit women." He was trying to lighten the mood. It didn't work.

She was so deep in her own funk, she just rolled her eyes and blurted out the first thought before it was really formed. "Good thing I'm not a woman then." She froze.


But he shrugged. "Tom-may-toe. Tom-mot-toe." 

Is he calling her a tomato? What the fuck does that mean?

"Did you hear me? I'm. Not. A. Woman."

"I don't really care what you call yourself."  He went to her closet, grabbed an outfit, and handed it to her. "Now get dressed. We are taking a hike."

"What for?"

"Mel's orders." He clapped. "Chop. Chop."

She narrowed her eyes. "I'm not undressing in front of you."

Now it was his time to roll his eyes and pointed to the closet.

She scoffed, she went into the closet and got dressed. When she exited, he simply opened the door without saying anything.  

He led her to the creek running parallel to the back of the apartments. It was weird to not see any children playing in it especially in the summer. It was silent matching Jessie's mood.  Even the birds refused to sing. Her breathing hard was their soundtrack. 

Jessie and Derek walked deeper into the forest behind the creek making their own trail as they hiked. When they began climbing a large hill, Jessie tried to climb it herself.  The loose rocks and sandals didn't make for the best grip.  She cursed at her footwear.  She grabbed wildly at the branches of the bushes and trees to help stay on her feet, but she slipped again this time landing on a knee.  She grunted.  

When Derek offered to help, she swatted his big hands away. On her next step, she slipped again and banged the other knee cursing at herself.  Using both hands, she finally found purchase and was able to go a few more steps before almost slipping again.  Darek caught her muddy hands this time.  He pulled her up the hill slowly.  She opened her mouth to protest. A branch swung and hit her in the chest.  She inhaled sharply at the pain.  The next step and next branch, she didn't say anything when he held it back.

At the top of the hill, Jessie noticed Derek led her to a trail that ran parallel to a highway. They walked the trail following the highway for a few minutes before it forked and Derek took a right turn into the trees.  He ducked under a low hanging tree and Jessie was surprised to see they had stumbled upon a cul-de-sac of houses near the opening of the forest. At the edge of the forest was a small kept-up park with two swing sets, a teeter-tater and a merry go round. Another creek accentuated the border between the forest and the park. Derek led Jessie to a downed tree to use as a bridge to the other side. 

"I found this place when we first moved in.  It reminded me of a place I used to go when I was upset as a child.  There is something about swinging or spinning that makes the world disappear even if it's only for a moment.

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