Willing to take the risk

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Willing To Take The Risk.

(Some events will be from TWD's episodes, but not all. And I'm not quoting it word for word. I'm going with memory and I'm adding some of my own things. It's going to be from my characters prospective so it's going to go differently.)

~Vallory's P.O.V.~

There was another breach, great. Since I couldn't help 'remove' them, I helped Michonne and Hershal clear out the bodies. The Subways food lasted us about two weeks because of the Woodbury people, which sucked because we were the ones who found it. Maybe I should have hidden it, and only let the original group share it. I mean, weren't they supposed to fend for themselves?

"You're one tough son of a bitch." I heard Michonne say between my angered thoughts.

These days I felt invisible. All of the big decisions were mostly made by Rick and Daryl, leaving them occupied, and Carl was always on watch duty. Only Charlie was still there for me, and we have become close. As friends, of course. Just...friends. I stiffened when I heard a shuffling in the bushes.

"God damn it the girls with them!" A muffled voice whisper/yelled.

"The little one?" Another replied.

"Uh, yeah!"

I heard a 'thunk', I whirled around and saw Michonne get knocked out.

"Run!" Hershal mouthed before getting knocked out also. And I listened.

I ran all of the way back to the prison almost tripping on a crippled walker. I banged on the fence as a small group of walkers closed in on me. A person started running towards the gate but I didn't see who, I was to busy defending myself. I killed the last walker as I was pulled through the gate by my arm, then got engulfed into a tight hug by whoever opened the gate for me.

"Oh my God! Are you okay?" A familiar voice asked.

"Yes, I'm fine," I answered, looking eye to eye with a very worried Charlie, "But they have Hershal and Michonne!"

Charlie and I ran into the prison, me wheezing from already running here.

"R-Rick..I...I need to... Oh my gosh...Give me a sec..." I breathed, grabbing my aching side. I wish my gym teacher could see me now, I've lost nearly 30 pounds in the last year.

"It's okay Val, don't push yourself to hard on an empty stomach," Rick soothed, making me sit in a chair.

"Gather...Everyone...That's...Important." With that, Rick ran out of the room to gather everyone, and so did Charlie.

Within 5 minutes, Rick, Daryl, Maggie, Beth, Carl, Charlie, Carol, Glenn, Averylynn (Dunno why), Madisyn (still dunno why), and Sophia (ugh) were all standing in front of me, looking expectant. Except Charlie and Sophia. They looked...smug.

"Where's Hershal and Michonne?" Glenn asked.

"They...they were taken." I was still having trouble catching my breathe.

"What?! By who?!" Beth almost shrieked.

"I..I don't know," I answered honestly "I.. I didn't get a good look."

"I bet it was the Governor," Charlie shook his head, "He was out to get you guys when I was still in Woodbury. Probably still is."

"True. And he does have something against Michonne," Rick nodded.

"The Governors a bad guy, we should go take him out now, while we still can!" Sophia cheered, causing me to make an involuntary sneer.

"How do you know the Governor, sweetie? You went missing before we met him." Carol asked, clearly confused.

"Oh..Uhm...While I was running I ran into his group at Woodbury. Bad guy. I left as soon as possible and ended up here!" Sophia stammered. Not sure I'm believing this.

I remembered the Governor. His name made a chill run up my spine. After Tom died, I was running on my own, searching for a place to settle down for a while. I happened to run across Woodbury, and the Governor took an immediate liking to me. I slept in his apartment, got the best foods, the most attention. I was pretty much famous. Until I learned his dirt little secret. One day I was looking for a ball I had lost, and I wandered into his room. I found a giant display of human and walker heads, and a small cage. I opened the cage and found a little girl with a bag over her head, but when I pulled the bad off it wasn't a girl. It was a walker. The Governor had walked in the second after I jumped out of the window and made a run for it. The Governor had wanted me as his next daughter, since his original one didn't last to long, but I wasn't standing for it. It was weird. But when I thought of The Governor treating Sophia the same way I, for some sick reason, felt jealous. Everyone seems to pick Sophia over me these days. I accidentally let a defeated sigh escape my throat.

"You okay?" Carl whispered to me, I nodded slightly.

I didn't hear the plan because I was sort of zoned out, I walked up to my cell and curled up under my blanket. I really hope Hershal and Michonne are okay. Especially Hershal, he is so strong and wise. I don't know what I'd do without him. After a while, my eyes shut and I fell into a dreamless sleep, only to be woken back up a few hours later by a rustling outside of my cell. I sat up and rubbed the sleep from my eyes and scratched my head.

"Hello?" I called out quietly.

"Vallory? Did I wake you? I'm so sorry!" The person in the hall replied.


"Yup." He said, popping the p.

"What are you doing up so late?" I asked, checking my watch, then remembering, I don't have a watch.

"I'm sneaking out." an anxious looking Charlie whispered, sitting down on the floor in front of me, "I know where the Governors camp is, and I'm going to steal Hershal and Michonne back, then I'm going to trash the place. You in?"

"Definitely." I said with an evil smirk and got up to get ready.

Okay, I know what you're probably thinking. "You're going to get yourself killed!" Well for people I count as my family, I'm willing to take that risk.

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