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7 days have past with out any sign of me turning. One whole week. That's got to be a world record. Carl drifted off, he talked to me only when necessary. Rick told me he was just worried to get his heart broken again, considering Lori died 6 days ago. Yep, once again I lost someone close to me. She died giving birth while we were overrun by walkers. The baby is okay, and we eventually cleared out all of the walkers. Daryl and I have never been closer. I forgave him after Carl gave me a long lecture about how sorry Daryl was. He was trying desperately to make up for the last 13 years of my life. I trotted out of my cell and onto the balcony, overlooking the small group of people in the room below. My group, I couldn't help but smile. I laid my head against the cool metal bar of the balcony until I heard my name in the groups conversation.

"Okay, we are here to talk about the Vallory situation.." Rick trailed. He lightly put his head in his hands, clearly not wanting to talk about it.

"Not without Daryl." Carol said, she had helped me grieve for Lori and we had become very close also. She was the only girl best friend I had other than Beth.

"I think it's best we discuss this...with out him." Rick said simply. "I know she was bit a week ago and is still...well... very much alive.. but I think her luck is running out. She was bit by a walker. She's going to turn sooner or later. I think we should...end it early..."

"We are not killing a living, breathing, little girl! Val's human for god sakes, not one of them!"

"Not yet." Michonne muttered. We weren't very close, she trained me but we didn't talk much otherwise.

"Hershal, go check the bite. If it's getting any better then great. If it's not...." Glenn trailed.

I ran into my room and flopped down onto my bed, picking up a comic and pretending to read it. Hershal hobbled in only moments later, his crutches scraping the floor.

"Hey, Hershal. What's up?" I asked casually, without looking up from my comic.

"Hello Vallory, I just want to take a quick look at your...injury..." He covered up.

"Sure." I answered slowly, setting my legs over the side of the bed and began to pull up my sleeve.

The bite was small, since the walker didn't have much teeth, you could see where its molars, and canines sunk in. It was a light pinkish color, and it got a slight green tint where the teeth marks were. The bite has faded a lot, though. It was just a scar now, no longer a wound open to infection. At least not the normal kind.

"Wow, it has improved....a lot!" Hershal said, astonished. "But it wasn't a deep bite, so maybe you just got lucky."

I sighed with relief. I might live after all. Hershal got up and shuffled out of the room, I heard him announce the news to the whole group. Carl and Daryl were down there now. I stood up and walked calmly down the steps, facing the people I had grown to call family. I glanced at Rick, he looked worn down from everything and all of the loss. I couldn't help but let a small glint of disgust flicker in my eyes, letting him know I heard his meeting. Rick grimaced, looking like he might cry. Daryl scooped me up in a bear hug and twirled me around.

"Calm down, dad." I chuckled, patting his shoulder.

I saw Carl smile from the corner of my eye, I smiled to.

That night, I lay in my bed, listening to the quiet sounds of the prison. I saw a light flicker from under the balcony, so I crawled over and peaked over the railing. I could see Carol trailing behind Rick and pleading.

"It's healing Rick!" She pleaded.

"I can't risk it. I love her but... you know.." He cocked his gun and blew out the candle.

I didn't wait to see what he did next, I ran into my room and packed everything I needed. I ran out of the prison and into the woods. Yup, I ran away. Away from my family. Away from my problems.

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