Sniper, it all the freaking sniper!

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Snipers, It's Always The Freaking Snipers.

*Carl's P.O.V*

Vallory was standing next to me, smiling, her dimpled showing. Her and Jayden's faces were coated in fresh walker blood, and that's when I looked over and saw the two unseen walkers laying dead where I thought my girlfriend and her brother were. I breathed a sigh of relief and hugged her, afraid that if I'd let go she'd disappear.

"Fuck, guys we've got company!" Bradly whispered, I looked down the hallway and saw a group of soldiers gunning down the walkers.

"Crap! How do we get out?" Jayden whispered.

We tiptoed to the door next to the one we were in, the door creaked when I pushed it open. The room was empty and there was a large window that we could probably break through. Without hesitation I picked up a chair and chucked it, the glass shattered and we were out. We took off running down the streets as the shouts and gunshots of the soldiers followed us, Cory screamed in pain and hit the ground. He was shot in the side.

"Oh for fucks sake!" Vallory screamed, running over to where he was and lifted him up off of the ground. I jogged over and threw him over my shoulder before taking off running again, everyone following me.

We made it to the tunnels and they were thankfully still clear, we sprinted through them and we were finally outside. We saw our entire group and we all took off running into the forest, but that was (of course) at the same time that soldiers showed up at the top of the wall. Snipers, to be exact. I watched as Lizzie, Tara, Sasha, Carry, and Harry and Louise were gunned down. Vallory screamed and ran over to Lizzie and Sasha, crying. She grabbed Mika's hand and picked up Carry's one year old named Caine, before her, Gale, and Bradly started gathering Lenny, Mason, Chase, Carson, Kally, Sam, Judith, Melody, Madisyn, and Averylynn. Pretty much every kid and person around our age since they were the only ones falling behind. Vallory had Caine on one hip and Judith on the other (Callista got hurt and fell so Judith crawled away and that's how Val found her, incase you were wondering) while Mika and Kally were holding onto the back of her shirt for ear life, afraid she'd outrun them. We eventually got far enough away from the wall that we didn't have to worry about getting shot but now we had to worry about walkers because of our 2 crying babies, 1 crying toddler, 5 crying kids, and one crying ten year old. All of the adults ran in one direction while we went in the other, so now we were lost and in danger. Looking around frantically, I spotted and cabin and herded everyone over to it. We ran inside and Gale and I went around blocking all of the doors and windows. After we finished, I fell to the floor, exhausted. Only one thought was flashing through my mind.

What the fuck are we supposed to do?

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