Chapter 9 Found

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It's been a week since I woke up and was told echo went missing. The creature that took her must have been very powerful because the bound between me and echo was nearly severed. I went comatose do to the amount of power pull from my body the day I woke up it all came back. The thing is I still cannot track her so I'm ultimately useless.

I've had images of were she could be all we know is she in some desert in the human world. The slayer compound has sent out it's best men to find her all over the world. We have temporarily made a base in the Rain Forrest for cover and training. The Clearwater's have buried theirselves in work so they don't think about their missing daughter.

I have been searching the stream between our worlds so I know what's happening in the underworld news. Lately demons have started to disappear theres talk of a rebellion. The royal family has been separated all over the world so no one knows where they are. The princess is with me I am to watch her since I have the most strength out of all the slayers. I was pulled out of my thoughts when I heard a voice from behind.

"You miss her don't you the bound between you is more than super nature it's emotional" Mr. Clearwater spoke as he stood at the window.

"It is hard not being able to be by her side but nothing more" I stated.

"I know everything about you Charlie no need to lie to me" he looked into my eyes.

"With all do respect you don't know me Mr.Clearwater" I laughed.

"Call me Richard, charlene I'm just stating the facts don't deny you miss her more than you lead on" he smiled.

"It's charlie I believe that emotions cloud your judgment and make you do things not needed" I replied.

"Are you speaking from experience?" he inquired.

"No just a better state of mind" I turned away.

"Charlie I know"he said simply as he walked away.

"Know what exactly" I questioned. He stopped in his tracks and turned to meet my gaze.

"That your a murderer" he spoke walking out the door.

I looked out the window towards the blue moon and sighed as the wind hit my face.

"Yes I am"


I've here at the camps for a while I never really noticed how much I missed the human world. Its beautiful blue skies, green grass and wonderful mountains. I've been thinking about Charlie a lot recently I get little images of her now and then but nothing I can't handle. The only person I'm worried about is her she's all alone in a place full of murderers.

"Echo are you alright you've been out of it lately" Jake asked patting my shoulder. I met him the day I came here he's a awesome guy. He's one of the first pixies ever to excepted here he very smart and loyal.

"yeah I just been thinking" I replied.

"Is it about Charlie?" the mention of her name made me look up.

"how do you know here?" I looked at him.

"you just said her name you were thinking out loud" he stated.

"Oh well yeah I guess I miss her" I answered.

"Oh she a girl, well do you like her"he questioned.

"Well she is my retainer so I have to like her"

"not what I meant do you love her" I was a bit caught off guard with that.

"I don't know I think about her constantly, I get the feeling she thinking about me sometimes I can feel her" I spoke honestly.

"Maybe you love her" he stated.

"Jake I cant be stuck on emotions like love right now I have to focus on leading a freaking army" I yelled.

"Love doesn't wait for everyone" withe that he walked away into the night. He was only half pixie so he gathered his power during the night. I often think he is too free spirited to be fighting in a war.

That night I didn't get any sleep I just thought of charlie. I wondered if I really loved her more than a friend.


I was sitting in my room when I had a vision or epiphany. I saw echo lying in a bed looking straight up she wasn't chained down or any so I know she was fine. I heard her mumbling something.

"I miss you Charlie and... I think I love you" she looked straight up. She was interrupted by a knock at the door.

"What do you want" she spoke to a unknown figure.

"we're headed out to the beach over on clover lane you want to come the consider gave us a free day tomorrow" a boy asked. The vision was cut off.

I hopped out of bed and ran to the mapping office. As soon as I got in the room I went to the computers. Everyone was watching me when I swung around in the chair and blurted out.

"I know where echo is!"

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