chapter 3

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Rowan pov

Getting back from my meeting I parked my car in the was strange that I couldn't smell my mates sent when I was this close to the house.

I was walking up to the porch when I saw my beta Mike's body lying there.I ran to him to to see if he is still alive and ask what happened to him.

"What happen to you Mike!?"I said not really expecting an answer he was probably unconscious.

picking him up I put him in the back seat.He let out a few growls of pain when he slid back as I stepped on the gas rushing to the hospital.

He didn't have his guard up so I cold hear his thoughts.*How did he know where we lived after all these years?*he thought his thoughts sounding very confused and shocked.

*i wonder how he is gonna take it when he finds out that he is back and has his mate?*that's the tAught that made me realise that I didn't check for Kylie.

And why I couldn't smell her sent.I had forgotten all about her and now I felt guilty about not even checking the house for her.


We arrived at the hospital and a few nurses came running seeing the urgency an worry in my face.with all these thoughts going through my mind I really didn't care if I hurt Mike anymore.

So I pick him up and tossed him on the stretcher he let out a growl of pain but I didn't pay any attention to that all I could think about was how stupid I was to leave her alone.

After the doctors had finished getting him into a room and cleaning him up it was okay to go and talk to him.Right now all I wanted to know was who was the deadman who took my baby.

I got into the room and wasted no time going up to him and asking.

"who was it Mike...who took Kylie!?"I shouted getting angrier when me didn't answer me right away.

"Sir,lower your voice he is still weak."The nurse said but I growled at her and carried on."Answer me dammit!"I said about to grab his throat.

Until  I stopped when he opened his mouth to say something."come on spill it."I said sounding annoyed with how slow he was going.

"Its...its"he started but I cut him of."yess?"I said slowly while raising my eyebrows at           him."it''s...John."He said finally.

A wave a anger and guilt came over me as I heard that name come out of his mouth.trying not to break anything out of anger I stormed out of the hospital trying not to kill anyone when they tried to comfort me.

I shifted into my wolf for and just started running as soon as I was out of the hospital.i really didn't know where I was g going until I saw my parents house approaching.

This was all my father's fault he is the one who scheduled this no females pack 'meeting',it was actually a boys celebration for the success the pack has had over the last month.He was going to pay.I shifted back into human form walking towards the door,not caring that I was naked,with anger in my eyes and ready for a fight.

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