Chapter 6

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Kylie's pov.

Next morning I wake up and realise that I am still on the table and John is right next to me still asleep.He had me onto his chest but it didn't feel right and I missed Rowan and his warm hands around me.

The memories from last night still fresh in my mind thinking about what He did to me made my skin crawl and make me more determined to rip out his throat. My thoughts were interrupted by a sharp pain occurred in my ribs.

John threw me across the cell and stood up from the table looking at me with anger and confused look on his face.

"Why were you on me you sl*t!"he yelled coming closer to me.He grabbed my clothes and threw them at me."Put them on now!"he yelled .

I didn't hesitate to grab my clothes and slip then on as fast as I could.

"You are such a bitch you raped me last night and then throw me across the room when it is your fault that I am here with you in the first place!"I yelled as he was walking towards the cell gate.

He stopped immediately and turned around and with big and fast strides he came over to my body that was still on the floor.He grabbed me by my shirt and punched me multiple times in the gut and I started coughing up blood.He threw me on the floor and I let out a growl of pain as I hit the floor.

"Aww,does that hurt?"he said pouting and crouched beside me on the floor.

"Well bad news for's only going to get worse."He said and the pout me had on morphing into a evil smile.

Rowan's pov.

When I read the note that was on the brick a wave of different emotions came over me at once causing me to to lash out and throw the brick out the window.I shifted into wolf form and stormed out the door.

I ran as fast as I can not even knowing were I was running to.The thought of that bastared laying his hands on my baby and the tAught of him hurting her sent a sharp pain on my heart.

As I was running I was coming close to a cliff I stopped quickly and Sat down with tears rolling down my cheeks.When the tears stopped after a while and I regained my sight.

I registered the cliff and it was the cliff where Kylie and I had our first kiss.all the memories of that night came rushing back into my mind.

"Why!"I yelled with my face covered in tears.

I was there for almost a hour and I realised that the pack was on their way and I ran back to the house.The pack was already here their cars were parked in the driveway.

I stood outside the house for a moment whipping away the traces of tears on my cheeks before walking in and seeing them Sat down in front of my dad who was explaining everything that happened.

I wanted to put my guard up so I couldn't hear the sympathetic thoughts of my pack but I had to communicate with them so I didn't.I switched to alpha mode and focused on how we were going to get her back.

I went up to stand next to my dad and continue explaining what we were going to do.

"unit one gather all the women and children and get then to safety,unit two get all the information on where John might be keeping Kylie,and unit three get to the training facility and start training as hard as you can until we have to fight."

The pack had now left and I was left standing there with my parents making their way to the couch with the first aid kit nursing my father's wounds.I did feel bad but it was his fault that Kylie was kidnapped,but not by just any kidnapper it was John.I went up to my room and layed down on my bed still naked,thinking that I didn't even notice I was naked while I addressed my pack I smiled to myself.

"goodnight baby"i said hoping she could hear my me if she was nearby.

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