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Chapter Twenty-Three

Louis and I drive back to our temporary home, Louis drumming his fingers on the steering wheel as we make our way down the busy road. Eventually, we get stuck in traffic, and Louis groans in annoyance almost every second we are stopped.

“Louis, stop complaining and enjoy the view” I say, turning to look out my window.

My eyes follow along the tall palm trees and clear blue sky back down to the street, where my eyes widen and I turn away from the window. On our right is a bikini car wash, with practically naked girls climbing all over men’s cars.

“Actually, don’t enjoy the view” I stutter, not sure what to do.

“Why?” Louis asks, his eyes drifting over to me and out my window.

“No!” I quickly say, trying to cover up his view.

“Ohhh” Louis smirks at me.

I sigh and slump down in the seat, knowing I can’t do much now that he’s seen it.

“Don’t worry, I’m not looking” Louis says, turning back to the road.

“Good” I say, crossing my arms.

We drive a few meters but continue to be stuck in the un-godly traffic. My eyes scan around the car, looking for anything interesting to occupy my time. However, when my eyes land on a particular thing, I shoot up in my seat and cross my arms.

“What the fuck is that?!” I almost scream.

“What?” Louis asks innocently.

“That!” I point to his pant leg, where the outline of a hard-on is easily visible.

“That’s my phone?” Louis scrambles to come up with an excuse.

“Your phone is a weird ass shape.”

Louis runs his fingers through his hair. “I’m sorry, I can’t control it.”

“We both know what made it happen too don’t we” I frown and slump down in my seat.

“Don’t pretend you haven’t gotten horny while looking at other guys.”

“I haven’t” I lie. As much as it pains me to admit to myself, certain guys walking around at certain times really get to me.

“You know what?” Louis says, pulling out of the traffic and turning into a Walgreens parking lot.

I stay silent, confused at what Louis is trying to pull. He parks the car and gets out, walking over to a Redbox and pulling out his credit card. He taps a few things on the screen, and swipes his card, and then a movie slides out of the slot.

Louis returns to the truck and tosses the square holder onto my lap, and I peer through the cloudy plastic at what movie he got. When I see the title, my mouth falls over and I crinkle my nose.

“Magic Mike?” I say, releasing the movie so it falls on my lap.

“Yep” Louis puts the truck into reverse and looks behind him, holding on to the back of my seat. He pulls out of the lot and on to a different road so he doesn’t have to deal with traffic.

“Louis, I’m not watching this” I refuse.

“Yes, you are, so you can get even with me for this” Louis motions to his boner still going strong in his shorts.

“I don’t want payback” I say.

“Yes, you do. You know it and I know it” Louis drives along the empty road, occasionally making a turn.


“Shh” Louis sticks his index finger against my lips, shushing me.


A few hours later, Louis and I are in our pajamas, sitting in front of the flat screen TV. Louis points the remote at the TV, pressing play and smirking at me. I roll my eyes and take a bite of popcorn from the bowl that sits in between Louis and I.

A little bit in to the movie, I feel myself getting uncomfortable sitting here with Louis, watching shirtless men pole dance. Louis notices me shifting in my seat and smiles while throwing a bit of popcorn into his open mouth. I glare at him and turn my attention back to the TV. A few minutes later, I feel my mouth slowly opening as I stare in awe at the TV. Louis notices this, and does nothing. Not even five minutes later, when Louis notices me squirming even more, he jumps up and shuts off the TV.

“What did I tell you?” Louis crosses his arms.

“I’m sorry, I can’t control it” I quote Louis from earlier.

“I have had enough of you” Louis scoops me up from the couch and carries me across the room, slung over his shoulder. He opens the sliding glass doors to the backyard, and walks to the edge of the pool.

“Louis I love these pajamas though” I complain, feeling the fuzziness of the shorts on my skin.

“Fine” Louis says, setting me down. I am about to go inside when Louis tugs me back by my wrist, I fall into him and he smiles at me, cocking his head to the side before lifting my shirt above my head and tossing it to the ground.

“Louis!” I squeal, looking around us.

“Relax, the fences are like eight feet tall and we don’t have neighbors” Louis tugs down my shorts and I blush as soon as the cool night air hits my skin.

Louis brings his hands back and takes off his shirt from the back of the collar and tosses it with mine. I give myself the liberty of tugging Louis’s pajama pants down, exposing his black boxers.

Louis raises an eyebrow at me and picks me up again. I scream as I feel myself being tossed into the air, then my screams being hushed as I fall underwater. I push myself off of the pool floor and rise to the surface, wiping my eyes of the water. My light pink bra clings to my body, and I have to pull up my black boy short panties so they don’t fall with the pressure of the water. To be honest, I’m surprised Louis left my underwear on.

Just as soon as I am done getting the water out of my eyes, another big splash comes from the pool as Louis jumps in, spraying water back in my eyes. I sigh and wipe that water so I can see clearly.

The pool changes colors every few seconds due to the setting it’s on, going from blue to green to pink to red. Louis’s outline comes up from under the water, and the current color of electric blue makes it easier for me to see him coming towards me.

He flips his wet brown hair out of his face and holds out his arms. I narrow my eyes at him but walk towards him anyway. He wraps his arms around me and kisses the top of my head.

“You know I love you, right?” He asks.

I nod into his chest.

“I love you too.”

Louis backs us back to the ledge of the pool and presses a button, making the pool look like a big disco ball of colors.

“Keep your eyes open” He says, walking back into the middle of the rectangular pool.


Louis tugs me down underwater, and I want to close my eyes as they touch the pool water, but I force myself to keep them open. Blurrily, I see Louis in front of me, smiling like the water isn’t even affecting him. The pool lights dance around him as he reaches forward and takes my face in his hands and brings me closer to him, pressing his lips against mine.


I know this chapter is weird as hell and cheesy as fuck and short as shit but I just wanted to get a chapter up for you guys also I wasn't in the mood to write and my fingers kept stumbling so it's hard to write and it's two in the morning but here you go vote and comment please goodbye 

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