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“Addie you can’t be serious” Morgan says, hanging up a few items of clothes on the store racks.

I sit on an empty table and swing my legs back and forth. “Why not?” I shrug.

“It’s a week from graduation! What if you die?”

“I never do anything crazy or fun. I’m a square” I say and hop off the table.

A few weeks after the Halloween party, Louis invited me to a race with him. Not a normal NASCAR race, but an illegal street race. At first I declined as soon as he asked me, but after a few days of prying, I gave in and said I’d go.

Louis and I have been steadily for about four months now, and I trust him and I know he wouldn’t hurt me on purpose so I decided that I would just live for once and go out and do something dangerous and adrenaline pumping with him. We do the same things each day and don’t have anything exciting going on in our relationship. The race is in only a few hours, and I can already feel my heart beating faster. Louis is picking me up from work, and then we are going back to his place two hours beforehand. My parents obviously don’t know I’m doing this, but I just told them I was going to spend the night at Louis’s because it is a weekend. They don’t really care what I do with Louis anymore as long as I don’t die or get pregnant. Or both.

“Are you even ready for graduation?” Morgan pushes a basket of hangers over to me and I start putting shirts on the hangers.

“Yes” I scoff. “I have a dress and shoes what else do I need?”

Morgan shrugs. “Whatever you say.”

I turn my head and look up at the store clock. Louis should be here any minute. I quickly finish putting shirts on hangers and bring the basket back to the front desk, sliding on top of the bottom shelf then stand up straight behind the counter, waiting for Louis or any customers.

Soon enough, however, I spot Louis walking in the store doors wearing aviator sunglasses with a gray marvel t-shirt and black jeans. When he spots me he smiles and walks over to the counter and leans across, lightly kissing me on the lips.

“No PDA!” Morgan yells from across the store. Louis laughs and I walk around the counter to meet him for a hug.

“Are you ready?” Louis asks.

I nod. “Just let me clock out.”

I leave Louis at the counter and walk to the back room, sliding my card out of the slot and putting it in the employee basket. Just as soon as I am about to walk out, Morgan walks into the staff from and pulls me into a hug.

“Be safe, okay?” She asks.

I nod.

“I love you.”

“I love you too” I smile at my best friend and exit the staff room, joining with Louis at the main doors.


As soon as we are in Louis’s apartment, I kick off my shoes and take a seat on the couch. Louis joins me shortly but doesn’t turn on the TV; he just stares intently at me, his eyes seeming to get lost in my features.

“You know,” Louis starts, coming closer to me and places his hand on my thigh just below my shorts. I feel my breath catch in my throat, knowing what’s about to happen.

“Y-yeah?” I stutter, trying to rally my thoughts.

“We haven’t fucked since our vacation” Louis whispers in my ear. “And,” he breathes and begins lightly sucking on my neck. “I could use some good luck.”

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