John is my pro? Pt 2

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"Good Job Ali I'm proud of you." John says patting my back. I hold up the thumbs up sign as I run off to shower.
Johns P.O.V
You can't see me!
Alianas P.O.V
I put on some grey sweatpants and a white crop top. I tie my hair up into a messy bun and I grab my bags as I make my way out of the Stadium. Luckily the hotel we stayed at was only across the road from the stadium. I quickly crossed the busy road. I checked in and I walked up to my room.

—The next day-
I throw on a white Calvin Klein sports bra and some grey shorts that stopped above my butt.
I walked out with my pink
Duffel bag and I bumped into John.
"Hey little one." He says smiling.
"Hey big one." I say laughing.
We walk to the training room and John takes off his shirt.
I couldn't help but admire his body. Nikki Bella runs in and starts making out with him. It was clear he didn't want to as he was just standing there while she kissed his face off.
"Oh hey I didn't see you there rookie." Nikki says standing tall in front of me.
"Hi Nikki." I say smiling.

Johns P.O.V
Aliana gives Nikki a cute smile with her dimples showing with just Nikki scowling at her.
She's adorable. I'm so happy I get to be her pro.
"Come on Aliana let's train I'll see you later Nikki." I say.

Aliana's P.O.V
Me and John walk over to the training ring. We start off by stretching. John stands behind me and he bends me over, my butt pressed against his member. He pushes me and pushes me
Down until my ass is right up in the air on his you know what. His hands travel to my hip as he caresses it. "Alright easy easy." He says his deep voice booming throughout the practice room.
"Come up now." He says his hands going to my waist and lifting me up.
"How do you feel?" John says.
"Dizzy." I say laughing. "I feel like all the blood has rushed to my brain." I say.
"In that case we need to do it more so you can get used to it because I noticed in the match yesterday you weren't at your best you looked stiff." He says with his arms crossed

Johns POV
Really she was perfect yesterday I just love to help her stretch.

Alianas POV
I nodd feeling disappointed that John said I didn't do too good.
John puts his hands between my bare thighs as he pushes them apart.
I shiver as his hands hover around my lady area.
"Keep their position for 2 minutes." John says.
I could feel his eyes on my butt.

"Time to practice the moves." John says.
Kofi and Paige walk through they were the our opponents in today's match.
John picks me up and throws me I somersault into the air holding my hands out as I crash onto Paige.
I grab her leg and we count to three.

After training
I walk out in wiping the sweat from my face with my towel. I go to my to room and I see my outfit costume   Laid our on my bed. I quickly shower. I put on my high waisted grey shorts and my grey sports bra along with my cape. I put my headdress on. A crown with swavorski crystals.
The makeup artists come. They do a light natural makeup on me. They stick some crystals on the bottom
Of my eyes in a pattern leading up to my eyebrows. The artist applies my clear lipgloss and I'm
My theme song rings throughout the arena and I walk out. I pull my pose and the crowd goes wild.

John runs out.

After the match.

John and I won the match but something happened. Nikki claims I'm trying to steal her man and she's challenging me to a match later today.

I walk into the lockers and i see John sitting on the chair.
"John I can't do this she's gonna win I really can't and I'm
Gonna make you look bad and I don't wanna make you dislike me I really can't do this please
I'm gonna lose." As I ramble
On John stands up and rests his hand on my shoulders. "Hey hey you're gonna be okay." He says looking into my eyes.
"I'm not-." Before I begin to ramble
More his large hands grab my face as he presses his lips to mine.
Our lips move in synch and he slips his tongue in my mouth, his hands still gripping my face. He deepens the kiss and I stand on my tippy toes trying to keep up. He grabs me and picks me up his hands resting on my butt. He pushes me against the wall still holding me and kissing me. "Uh John." I moan.

His head goes into my neck as he sucks on it he gently nips at the skin making me shiver.
He kisses me again, sucking my lip before pulling away and putting me down.

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