Io and Kairi

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"But really is Shayna even a woman... I mean has anyone ever confirmed it?" Dean says pacing around the room. "Especially considering she's in the ring with Kairi she's fucking tiny." Dean continues.
Seth runs his fingers through his hair in frustration "Both of our girls are going up against shemales that are ten times the size of them." Seth says.
"Io doesn't even know she's about to lose the mae young classic." I say.
We watch as Kairi walks out with her little treasure chest. She screams "Mine." As she throws out golden coins to the WWE universe. "She's adorable." Seth says. All three of us watched in worry as one of our little girls went up against a monster of a woman Shayna.
We chuckle as Kairi does her usual pirate pose.
You see me and my shield brethren share our girls. We like to share one woman to satisfy our needs but when Kairi and Io came to the WWE we knew they were our girls.
From the way they were so tiny and innocent compared to our large builds.
"She better get the fuck off Kairis hair." Seth says through gritted teeth.
We continue watching as Shayna slams Kairi into the steel stairs.
"Our little baby." Seth says sadly. "We got this man she's our little warrior." Dean says.
We continue watching until we see Shayna grab Kairi's breast squeezing it sadistically smirking seeing Kairi squeal.
As Shayna stomps on Kairis hand you can hear her little sobs and squeals and it broke our hearts.
We hear a squeak as we look towards the door seeing Io walk in shyly. She stands at the door with a strand of her hair in her hand as she leans and watches the match seeing Shayna abuse her best friend. Her eyes fill with worry as she sees Shayna's friend Jessamin deliver a kick to Kairi landing her in the lap of Shayna. Shayna then locks in the sleeper and Kairi being the little stubborn minx she is passes out instead of tapping out. As the referee rings the bell declaring Shayna the new NXT champion we hear a little whimper. We look over at io seeing her weeping with her head on the floor. "Aw come here baby." Dean says picking her up and placing her in his lap. "Look at me doll." Dean says and when she doesn't be used a more dominant tone "Don't make me tell you again Io."
She slowly looks up. I feel a pang in my heart seeing her red tear stained eyes. "Kairi no win" io mumbles out bursting into tears again.
One of the difficult things about being their doms is that they don't speak English so it's hard to deal with situations like this.

"Hey princess your daddy's don't like to see you so upset baby." Dean says. "Kairi is okay she will win back the championship from that horrible lady again okay?" Dean says lifting up her chin making her look into his eyes.
His other hand wraps around her waist supportively as she sits in his lap straddling him. She wipes her eyes and nods. Usually we don't allow nodding because in order to teach them English we need them to communicate using any words they know as best as they can. Just then Kairi walks through.
I rush over to her "My precious little baby." I mumble picking her up. I look over at io seeing her pout at us and I smile and walk over to dean placing Kairi in his lap while I picked up io. She instantly snuggles into my neck. My hands rest supportively on her little butt.
"Kairi is okay baby girl." I whisper in her ear.
I put her on the floor just as Dean puts Kairi on the floor. Kairi and Io look at each other before io rushes and engulfs Kairi in a massive bear hug. We chuckle at our princesses. I see Kairi whimper as Io accidentally applies pressure to her left boob with her elbow where Shayna sadistically groped her. I instantly pick io up. "Baby be careful okay Kairi loves you very much but she's hurting right now." I say softly.

I saw exactly what that bitch did to my baby's boob. Only we could touch her in that way. Who did this Shayna think she was touching our property? I pick Kairi up and I sit down with her in my lap. I unzip the top half of her ring gear pulling it off. I look at her boobs seeing a little mark where Shayna hurt her. I run my hand over her bra feeling her jump.
You see the thing about our babies is that their nipples and boobs are extremely sensitive. Any slight touch makes them moan. That's why we always paid special 
attention to them bad boys.

I pulled at her bra and I gently teased her already perky nipples gently rubbing my fingers against the nub. She whimpers slightly shying away for me out of instinct.

I grip her arm and I take
Her nipple into my mouth. As I suck on it I gently run my hand over the other one pulling and squeezing it. She shakes in my arms whimpering. "You like daddy playing with your sore little nipples don't you baby." I say in her ear. She only lets out a cute moan as she try's to push me away feeing the pleasure overwhelming.
I continued going to work on her nipples before I put her bra back on her and her ring gear. I didn't want to overwhelm her so I held her in my arms until it was Io's turn to go out.

I held my large hands up as I towered over my little princess. "Come on kitten just like I taught you hit daddy's hand as hard as you can." I say reassuring her.
It was unfair considering her tiny frame she could barely reach my hand much less hit it. Nevertheless she tried her best. I smirk down at her and she hits my hand as hard as she can. I screw up my face as I start to fake cry in my hoodie. "Daddy I'm so sorry I didn't know my strength." Her small voice says. She gets up and puts on my shield vest before standing on the chair.
She takes a deep breath before doing the infamous "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH AAAAAAAAAAAAH." We all looked at her little body engulfed in my shield gear. " I am Roman Reigns and you better get out of my ring." She says slowly trying to get her words right. We applaud her. "Good job kitten you're getting much better." Seth says as he goes to grab her. She puts her tiny hand up and says "not done daddy." Before placing the hand on her hip.
She then smiles and starts to shake her head erratically and pace around the room pounding her little fists together. "I lunatic fringe and welcome to my asylum." She says making us all roar with laughter.
Last she did Seth.
She exited the room before walking in exactly like Seth does "BURN IT DOWN." Io sings watching as her best friend initiated Seth.
"Oh god you two are so cute." Seth says with a smile on his face.

Okay and that's it guys. This was a preview I don't know if I should make this into a story. I quite like the story line. Maybe I could even make it so each shield member has their baby girl. For example we could add Asuka. Please let me know

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