A-G Dean Ambrose

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A = Anal
Dean occasionally inserts a finger into your ass while your laying down sucking his cock though he doesn't do it often because he knows you don't like it.

B = Blowjobs
One of Deans Favorite things is having your lips wrapped around his throbbing cock. He loves to push your head down with his large hands attempting to make you take more of his huge length.

C = Cum
Deans Favorite place to cum is inside your mouth
"Swallow it like a good little girl." He grunts with a strong hold on my chin. "That's a good girl swallow it all princess, show daddy your tongue."

D = Daddy Kink?
One hundred percent. Dean loves nothing more than to be called daddy. If it was up to him you would call him it forever even in public but he settles for it just when you two are in private.

E = Energy

Dean can go for hours and hours however you're usually tired after 2 rounds. He usually lays down next to you as you fall asleep and he pulls down your bra and gropes and squeezes your nipples. He rolls them between his fingers and flicks them loving the way you gasp while you attempt to sleep. He then shortly falls asleep after not before sucking on your nipples. He often falls asleep with a nipple in his mouth like a baby.

F = Funny In bed?
Nope not at all. Dean is always serious in bed. He's not forgiving at all. God forbid if you slip up and call him Dean he will spin you round over his lap and spank you until he's ready to stop. *Slap* "What's my name princess?" He says as he lays down another slap to my ass "I'm sorry daddy." I whimper, shivering as I feel him chuckling.

G = good in bed?
When you're in bed with Dean it's not romantic it's mainly you doing as he says. He's always dominant but that's what you like. He's rough most of the time but when he's taking his time he can make you come many many times.

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